Thufferin’ Thucatash! It’s inside the monument.
If he ain't gonna hold it, he's got to clean it up and set another one, contact the first surveyor and get that one out of the ground.
Bet he won't do that.
Yes, that bothers me greatly. WTF!!
Smells like someone pinned a record boundary onto found monuments... and the CAD tech got overzealous.
Looks like the count's at 0-2. Can we see strike three?
That's as insane as one of my former PLS department heads calling the center of a field stone hundredths by hundredths off on 200 year old surveys with the stones being called for original corners.
Sometimes you just have to shake your head.
“Stupid is as stupid does.”
Unbelievable. And yet the Oakville party can't even get anyone to survey an established boundary. It's not looking good for the future.
Someone is a terrific measurer. Someone should run out and tack up priority of calls and highlight what comes first and where measurements fall on the list. Heck i am finding pipes a few tenths off stated measurements and saying hurray Lets move to find the next one.
Not held? What!!! he didn't even hold it once to comfort it or anything? I'll bet the poor thing was cold.
And WTF is a “brassie”?
Some people are so far past stupid we need to find a new name for them. (Please, no political party names)
Perhaps the "held" monuments were off by that amount and this monument is perfect.
Must be one of those surveyors that thinks the only monuments without error worth holding are the ones that they set themselves and everything else is just wrong.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
And WTF is a “brassie”?
I thouhjt that was a PNW thing.
Had one plan that offset monument 0.01 x 0.02' recently...
Fd 5/8" bar, with Kent McMillan cap, Brs S89°16'13.205"E 0.001' <Did not accept>
There's one guy in SE AK that I swear never found a monument he liked, even the BLM USS monuments. don't think I've ever seen him NOT call any found monument off.
This type of surveying is just wrong. Shouldn't the licensing board be issuing a ruling that this type of surveying is wrong? It should be obvious. Maybe it needs to be formally stated.
Historic boundaries and conservation efforts.
Triggered yes! Poor mentorship, Poor understanding of measurement analysis with regards to instrument aspects. Poor surveyor, and Poor Dougie having to follow in those shitty footsteps.