Would it be a cone instead of a tube? Lol. I’d suggest they contact Ole Man River or use the center of the tree.
Based on your posts I believe the profession needs more surveyors like you. I urge you to apply as soon as you consider yourself ready.
The days of property owners knowing their bounds are rapidly fading into the past. Without reliance has the corner set been accepted? I try to avoid...
Have you ever set a lot corner in a subdivision and when you drove by the next day observe that it was in a different location? It had been moved app...
I pretend I know what I’m talking about. It’s worked for 4 decades and with any luck will work for a couple of more years. Speak with confidence and...
You put her in the driver’s seat when you offered to go too her house and explain your survey. She should have come to your place of business. I’d w...
Someone needs to file a complaint if it hasn’t already been done. Left untreated it will get worse.
It’s the voices. Unless you’ve heard them you’ll never know.
I don’t. I use the Onyx Hunt app. Sure beats trying to pace in tundra and gets me within 15 feet of the corner most of the time. If there is no evi...
Nothing like evidence on the ground to notify the public that you are claiming use either written or adverse. It could have saved money and aggravati...
Block him. No need to put up with his crap.
Windows 1 rocks.
I’m going to paint all my vehicles blaze orange. I already have a blaze orange hat.
I’m safer during deer season than I am in American Cities. It’s always crime season there.
Should be simple enough to obtain a written record of the owners request to merger.
As long as both lots conform to current subdivision regulations I think they’re golden based on a cursory review of applicable legal cases.
My personal opinion is no. You are talking about 2 distinct and separate tracts of land. I’d like to know who gave tax mapping or the assessor the a...
I’ve never been to Tucson. Is it a small community?
I’ve never liked wearing a carpenter’s tool belt. My jeans have 4 pockets and are held up with a belt. On construction sites I wear a mesh safety vest...
Government is the only place where incompetency is regularly rewarded.