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Joined: October 21, 2010 12:19 pm
Last seen: January 23, 2025 9:31 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1332
RE: Strange (to me) ALTA practice

Happens, I'd be ok with starting with Vesting deeds and surveys of record (recording state here) to get going on the boundary, but I would let them kn...

4 weeks ago
RE: Examx and licensing

Entirely different governing bodies, and I know nothing about the bar exam .. Oregon has a Independent board for surveying and engineering. They won't...

11 months ago
RE: Client using the ALTANSPS brand to create own set of Standards

Surveyor to certify "Mineral Rights, Leasing Agreements" Not sure what they are asking but I have had to deal with things like this every now and then...

1 year ago
RE: Looking for a few books

Sorry, I didn't see this thread until now. And it seems like you may have obtained Wattles. I am not sure why it is not more well known but you can ob...

1 year ago
RE: Legal Description Formatting

.....Where do people get the idea that all block letters is good? .... FROM Attorneys. Uniform Commercial Code or UCC. Attorneys argued and co...

2 years ago
RE: Civil 3D Redraw Only Edited Survey Figures?

Hate Figures and the database. Too many years of Civil 3d corrupt files, errors, etc. I use the DB to generate linework, do a quick clean up if needed...

2 years ago
RE: Drone for surveying

This one Seems to fit the request. /p>

2 years ago
RE: Oregon's Surveyor of the Year

Hey I know him. Thanks Folks. Cheers.

2 years ago
RE: Survey Note

Triggered yes! Poor mentorship, Poor understanding of measurement analysis with regards to instrument aspects. Poor surveyor, and Poor Dougie having t...

2 years ago
RE: Removing Opposing Survey Pin after Court Judgement

Pull the pin, you have the court's decision (which could only change on appeal but it sounds like that won't happen) and the prevailing survey with pr...

2 years ago
RE: Hello from Alaska

Welcome From the Pac NW.

2 years ago
RE: Easement Question

Rule of Merger is what you are thinking. You can't grant a right to yourself, that you already own. And yes in fact, when a lot ownership grants a rig...

2 years ago
RE: Historic Surveys, are boundary lines unmovable?

@louella, As you can see by many of the comments, you have us all intrigued with your situation. Land Surveying has a lot of General Rules and regulat...

2 years ago
RE: Where Everyone from

45°31'N, 122°19'W

2 years ago
RE: Professional Land Surveyor - California

@holy-cow yeah same here. Gave me a chuckle though reading through the whole deal.

2 years ago
RE: Hello from John Day, Oregon

Welcome. Love that part of the state and just got back from an elk hunt last month. W-MrdCrk. Cheers

2 years ago
RE: What would you do if forced to retire?

@mark-mayer If you want to start on that 90 min presentation Idea, I may know a guy, who knows a guy, who can hook you up with a speaking slot at an a...

2 years ago
RE: New Member in Pendleton, OR

Troy, Big ol Welcome from the West side of the state. Im in Corbett, OR. Feel free to let your opinions fly, since everyone has a different one. lol....

2 years ago
RE: Oregon Proposed Rule change

Jon, and Mark, I think this subsection should be looked at and interpreted by you a bit differently and see whom it is applying too. Do you think som...

2 years ago
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