Last seen: February 7, 2025 10:50 am
Has anyone had this problem arise before? Only so often we decided it would be best to develop a statewide LDP system a dozen years ago. Anyhow, when...
I can only think of one way to answer the question. yep
There needs to be caution used in stating that as well. When there are no indications other than measurements or protraction that a boundary has ever ...
With respect to AP, evidence of established boundaries recognized by coterminous owners much more often is best evidence of the original line than AP....
Welcome. You may also learn we can discuss 0.04 ft quite often repeating the same things that were posted 15 years ago.
Math aside, with respect to the first and second order spec. if you aren't using invar rods you aren't meeting the spec. I've seen many claim to be do...
Given the overtone of the OP it seems the opportunity to get together has come and gone. Sometimes starting over isn't the worst thing though.
@wa-id-surveyor Yes - as I said where I'm from. I would certainly suspect it to be easement if it did not say it was a taking in fee. There aren't man...
There's nothing to look over so all I will add with a broad brush is that where I'm from if a road deed is in fee it clearly states so. If it states a...
I see you're two years older than I. We quit hard wiring FC's to PC's twenty years or more ago. We found using a thumb drive in the USB port was about...
Carefully follow and study the processing video. Then ask more specific questions. Youtube video
As always there are exceptions. This is one in the vast minority. Around here many counties used NGS and USGS control monuments for county control net...
Coordinates along with one or two validation monuments on a project is good. Coordinates with no validation monuments is risky because coordinate syst...
You're missing a good business opportunity. You could tell them you prepare court exhibits and affidavits for 5x the cost of a survey. But your affida...
I've had the privilege of working a few places in my career that made me feel like who has it better than me? We monitored pier movement at the Black ...
How did you get your new monument off ??? 😉
Bottom line - Intersect the N-S line 69 lks South of the post... Line above that - set some kind of post V for variation 7 degrees 50 min. Line ...
You need to know how the project was referenced to state plane in 2021. What was known in 2021? If a RTN was used has it had another realization? If g...
If the owners were ok with occupation until now why not quit claim the overlap area in lot 16 without getting a judge involved? I have no problem with...
Some days I feel like a museum piece. Back in the days when we designed and ran curves in the field using transit and tape our party chief often used ...