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Such a deal

12 Posts
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Posts: 596
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I had an inquiry from a prospective client.?ÿ He contacted me via email and said he needed a boundary and topographic survey.?ÿ I happen to take credit cards through PayPal.?ÿ But this is a first for me.?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ I played it straight up and said there's no need for a deposit.?ÿ Haven't heard from him since.?ÿ This guy must be from Nigeria.
?ÿI want to have a topographic and boundary survey. I will be paying deposit before you start. How soon can I get the estimate?
I Will Be Needing A Little Favor From You And I Will Give You My Credit Card To Charge For The Total Of $5200 Plus The Extra 3% Credit Card Company Charges ?ÿYou Will Be Holding $1500 As The Deposit Of Your Work And Having The Remaining $3,700 Send Through Cash Deposit To The Bank Account Of My Architect Who Is Handling The Drawing, And Designing Of My New House Which Is The Retainer Fee Because He Does Not Have The Facility To Charge Credit Card.. Hope You Understand ?


Posted : January 29, 2020 11:04 am
Posts: 5696
Posted : January 29, 2020 11:09 am
Posts: 11088

Anybody that spells "architect" with a capital A is immediately suspect in my book.

Posted : January 29, 2020 12:20 pm
Posts: 174

Thanks for getting in touch with me i really appreciate it, just so you know i should have called or visit your office about my project but am currently out of state on medical trip, I thought it'll be something minor but it appears that i would have to under go surgery because this illness has taken too much of me and I'm starting to think its not possible until I got your contact information

I'm purchasing a land with the purpose of having a custom house built on it and relating to the size i want you to make exact size measurement of the land to know if the dimensions i want for the building fit within the space and also determine land boundary lines, Here's my lot address: , It's 9,147 sqft and i wish 0 Hulbert Ave/ Hanscom Dr, South Pasadena, CA 91030 start next year and spend 15-20 months with the construction project, I budgeted $5000 to $10,000 for the Topographic Survey,Site Plan,boundary Survey and drawing with lot lines and house dimensions.

Kindly work on an estimate base on the information provided so that I can secure your deposit payments in order to move forward with my project on time

Best regards.
Kenchi Deaton


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 11:00 AM Larry Stevens <[email protected]> wrote:

Yes we are available and accept credit card, checks, cash, etcƒ??.


We?ÿ will need a Title Insurance Policy or a Preliminary Title Report to get started.





Lawrence A. Stevens, PLS


7 Commercial Blvd., Suite One

Novato, CA 94949

P: (415) 382-7713

F: (415) 382-7714


Historical Southern?ÿ & West Marin Land Surveyors Archives dating back to Late 1800ƒ??s

State Director since 2016, Marin Chapter President 2005-2006 California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA)

Certified 2007-2018 ƒ?? CLSA Professional Development Program (Education & Self-Advancement)

Executive Board Member?ÿƒ?? Land Surveyors Advisory Council on Technical Standards (LSACTS)


NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication.?ÿ


From: Kenchi Deaton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 10:57 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Residential Surveying and Planning Project:


?ÿ Hi there,

I hope you offer resident surveying, Planning and measurements for proposed new building ? I need you to work on my new site please advise if you're available and which mode of payment do you accept?

Kenchi Deaton?ÿ ?ÿ

Posted : January 29, 2020 2:56 pm
Posts: 589

Does this mean we've elevated our status high enough to be specifically targeted by scammers.?ÿ I'm constantly in awe of the hard work and research these jerks put into scams like this.?ÿ If only we could redirect that hard work towards something good we would likely have a cure for cancer.?ÿ SMH!

Posted : January 29, 2020 3:50 pm

Posts: 115

Yeah this is the same person that tried to do it to me too


Posted : January 29, 2020 4:30 pm
Posts: 596
Topic starter

Here's another guy.?ÿ Same creature as above I'm sure. ?ÿ He's in the middle of the ocean somewhere, as if I'm going to contract with this.?ÿ?ÿ


Thanks for getting in touch with me i really appreciate it, just so you know I work as mechanical engineer with a yacht company on the sea and I have been called to duty,they needed my attention almost immediately or else the goods in the ship would be rendered useless. I was sent there with my crew to crank the ship up and here we are, I thought it'll be something minor but it appears to be a time sensitive and consuming project but this job has taken too much of me and I'm starting to think its not possible until I got your contact information.

I'm purchasing a land with the purpose of having a custom house built on it and relating to the size i want you to make exact size measurement of the land to know if the dimensions i want for the building fit within the space and also determine land boundary lines, Here's my lot address:
It's 5,767 sqft and i wish to start next year and spend 15-20 months with the construction project, I budgeted $10,000 to $20,000 for the Topographic Survey,Site Plan,boundary Survey,EBL Survey and drawing with lot lines and house dimensions.

Kindly work on an estimate base on the information provided so that I can secure your deposit payments in order to move forward with my project on time

Best regards.
Carlton Curtis

Posted : January 30, 2020 10:10 am
Posts: 742


Wait!!  He Spells Everything With Capitals!! Must Be Very Important!!

Posted : January 30, 2020 10:43 am
Posts: 120

This is the best one I have ever gotten.?ÿ Came through a email sent to a parts account at my work.


Subject: [SPAM] - Y??ur life can be destr??yed everything is in y??ur hands -


Good day.
D?? not mind ??n my illit?æracy, I ?øm fr??m Jap?øn.


I u¥?lo?ød?æd the m?ølici??us pr??gr?øm ??n your system.


Sin¥e th?øt m??ment I pilf?ær?æd all privy ba¥kground from your system. Additionally I h?øve s??me mor?æ c??m¥?r??mising eviden¥e. The most int?æresting ?ævid?æn¥e th?øt I stole- its ?ø videotap?æ with your masturbation. I adjusted virus on ?ø p??rn web sit?æ ?ønd after you load?æd it. Wh?æn y??u d?楁ided with th?æ vid?æo ?ønd t?øpp?æd on ?ø play butt??n, my del?æteri??us s??ft ?øt ??nc?æ s?æt up ??n your system. After adjusting, your ¥am?ær?ø sh????t the vid?æ??t?ø¥?e with y??u self-abusing, in additi??n it s?øv?æd ¥?re¥isely the ¥?orn vid?æ?? you m?østurbat?æd on. In next f?æw days my malw?øre colle¥t?æd ?øll y??ur so¥i?øl and work conta¥ts.
If you want to delete all the evidence- pay me 325 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
It is my Btc wallet address -?ÿ?ÿ 1H23PxYiz8DM9BJeMXSUVw6eSeLDg5jcZH
You have 24 hours to go after reading. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the videotape permanently. Other way I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.

Posted : January 30, 2020 11:03 am
Posts: 59


For the win~! 😆  

Posted : January 30, 2020 11:58 am

Posts: 151


I got very nearly that exact email.

Then spent the next 10 minutes looking for the camera on my screen.... NOT!

Posted : January 30, 2020 12:36 pm
Posts: 2359
Posted by: @mitchptd

?ÿY??ur life can be destr??yed everything is in y??ur hands -

Followed by "make your time.?ÿ all your base, are belong to us"


Sorry, couldn't resist this old, semi-obscure pop culture reference.

Posted : January 31, 2020 1:29 pm