Grow Your Business

Engage with your surveying customers and increase sales.

Our platform serves as a centralized hub where our members research, review, and discover products and services. As you might imagine, many of our members and visitors view our content with intent to purchase.

“92% of consumers trust organic, user-generated content more than they trust traditional online advertising.”

— Nielsen Consumer Trade Index

Why advertise with us?

Our thriving community is where your target market seeks answers to their questions. They are highly engaged and actively searching for answers to their surveying questions. Showcase your products and services right where the action is happening.

Reach more surveyors

Reach an engaged, knowledgeable audience that is enthusiastic about Land Surveying.

Build brand awareness

Grow your business by building brand awareness and generating more traffic to your own website.

Engage with shoppers

Connect with surveyors shopping for advice on what products and services to purchase. is where surveyors go to learn from each other, participate in a community they can trust, and make knowledgeable purchase decisions.

Our statistics speak for themselves

30-day period, last updated on July 8, 2024

Unique Monthly Visitors
Total Monthly Pageviews
Average Daily Unique Visitors
LinkedIn Followers
Facebook Followers
Twitter Followers
Forum Topics
Forum Replies
Registered Members

Ready to get started?

Getting started is super easy. Choose a plan below that suits the needs of your business.




free forever
Basic Business Directory Listing
Note: No other business promotions are available nor permitted.




or $499 /year
All features of Premium, PLUS:
Featured Business Directory Listing
(coming soon)
Dedicated Business Space becomes your virtual storefront
Up to 3 team members to manage and moderate your Business Space
Special posting privileges
Engage with other members in meaningful discussions while promoting your business
20% discount on Digital Advertising
Your membership helps keep online and available to surveyors everywhere
By advertising on, your brand can join the conversation and reach our audience of surveyors. You can further engage with them from your company’s Business Directory listing and/or dedicated Business Space.

Digital Advertising

Stop spending thousands of dollars on ineffective advertising in obsolete printed magazines!

In this day and age, smart money is trending toward digital advertising (web banners) due to lower cost, targeting and high ROI. We use Dynamic Ad Placement technology to increase user engagement, by evenly distributing your ads throughout most of the website.

Sign-up for Vendor Membership and get a 20% discount on all web banners!

Web Banner Zones

Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250

Medium Rectangle ads feature dynamic placement — they will be shown throughout all pages that have left and right side columns. Ad statistics are included and available 24/7 from the website. A total of 5 slots are allowed in this zone.

$99 per month | $289 per quarter | $999 per year

Footer Logo: 270 x 65

Footer Logo ads appear on all pages throughout the website in the footer area. Ads are limited to logo and tagline only, with a simple link to your homepage. A total of 10 slots are allowed in this zone, all displayed simultaneously.

$49 per month | $139 per quarter | $499 per year

Banner Technical Specifications

  • We charge a flat fee of $250 for graphics work to create or manipulate graphics to fit within our ad guidelines.
  • Flash (SWF) files will need to be converted to animated GIFs.
  • We do not accept floating ads, expandable banners, pop-ups, pop-unders or roadblocks.
  • Our ad zones are responsive, so they may appear smaller on mobile devices and tablets.
  • Payment for advertising services must be received in advance. No exceptions.

File Requirements

  • Maximum file size: 256K
  • Maximum animation length: 15 seconds; 3 frames
  • File types accepted: GIF, JPG, PNG