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Smith and Jones easement

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My client needs an easement, starting on Smith's property and crossing 300' to my client's east line. Simple easy.?ÿ

I'm sent an easement description and drawing already complete. Done a few years ago, it starts on a township line for the easement and heads NW to my clients east line. This is Jones land on the drawings.?ÿ

They did not prepare an easement for the Smith lands south of the township for some reason.?ÿ

I just need to do the Smith part; so I figure. Then a little research and the Jones easement was drawn, written, but never filed.?ÿ

I dig a bit further, looking for any easements or indication that the work was done.?ÿ

I look on the GIS (my first mistake I guess) and it shows what is labeled as the Jones property, on the drawing sent to me, north of the township as being Smith. I begin to put the description on the property and don't see that Smith is the owner where the pipeline is, but they do own north of the township line near the pipeline but not over it, at least the deed I have doesn't give them that land. I take the Jones description and it describes the SE4SW4 where the pipe is with 14 long winded metes and bounds exceptions. It would take at least most of an afternoon to put them together for this little easement. So I go digging, long ago we had done some work in the area and I dig through that file and find a layout of the awful deed. All color coded, seems there was a need to figure it out for of all things a conservation easement. Probably took most of an entire day.?ÿ

And yes it is Jones north of the township line, not Smith. I've seen some mistakes on the GIS but this one is big, at least 25 acres and there is no reason for it. Add to that conservation easements and one might imagine how messy it could get. Mapping seems to be a big deal to those people. ?ÿ

I hate things like this, you look for something that doesn't exist and you can waste an infinite amount of time.?ÿ

Posted : January 29, 2020 2:15 pm
Posts: 25369

Oh, but it is so much fun we keep bashing our heads against the proverbial wall anyway.

You are absolutely correct.?ÿ We will seek the answer until we are blue in the face because WE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH.

Posted : January 29, 2020 5:49 pm
Posts: 9987
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I have the original main water line easements that we did in 2000 with the property lines drawn. I have the conservation easements that were put together over the property, the 2006 GIS parcel lines, the 2012 GIS parcel lines. All of them are in agreement. 

And it all agrees with the deeds that I have which are the latest recorded deeds.

Problem is the 2020 GIS shows a completely different configuration. Often I see that in the GIS but this is an extreme example. To further add to the issue is that we went paperless, and there are no indexes, no books, only the GIS to catalog deeds now. I have no where to go to get a new deed if it isn't recorded in the GIS, except maybe for IDOC and a search of it shows no new deeds.

But, I know from recent experience that there is a considerable lag in this system unlike the hand recording which might take a few days.

Guess I need to figure out how to work in the new age of no paper.  

I can see me spending lots of time looking for ghosts in the system. 

Posted : January 30, 2020 2:29 pm