I'm scheduled for indoor survey functions through Wednesday then spend the day in the field on Thursday.?ÿ Mr. Weatherman says the low on Thursday morning will be 14 F with a predicted high for the day of 15 F dropping to 3 F for the overnight low.?ÿ Wind speed for Thursday is predicted to be 18 mph out of the North.?ÿ THIS is why we get paid the big bucks.
May need to install battery-powered sock warmers in a location about three feet higher to keep the plumbing from freezing up.
Most likely.?ÿ Our Winter weather largely depends on the power level of the cold rolling out of the Canadian Rockies and moving downhill across the Great Plains towards us.?ÿ Not too much Gulf warmth headed our way any time soon.?ÿ The Gulf is what sends us the majority of our moisture when the warm air slams into the cold air.?ÿ At the moment I can look out the window to see my neighbor's Black Angus cows with a thin layer of snow on their backs.?ÿ Its not nearly so evident on the few Charolais cows.
3" or more of snow in the forecast for Portland late his week, which is more than an average years worth. Many of you scoff at that but it's enough to bring this city to a standstill, in a pile at the bottom of some icy hill. Those will be office days.
The hand warmers on the topo snowmobile make things manageable for me 🙂
Wind chills are predicted to sink to -45F today. This will continue the entire week.
Ouside work is canceled.?ÿ
Ouside work is canceled.
You guys can keep the cold weather.?ÿ I spent one winter in northern Ohio and don't ever care to experience that again.?ÿ I'll keep the hot humid summers of the third coast!
Yes, you keep it.?ÿ Gets hot as hell, as far as I'm concerned, here in the Northeast, 2-3 months of the year (80s and a couple 90s days).?ÿ I'll gladly put up with some minus temps for 2-3 weeks instead.
@holy-cow?ÿ Dang, now that's funny, and great advice.
My brother-in-laws little brother had some 9v sock warmers he had used in a duck blind on the TX coast.?ÿ On the trip home, he wondered what would happen if he spliced them into a spare 12v lighter plug he had.?ÿ He did so, and after a few moments, started stomping his boots because they got too hot.?ÿ We all had a good laugh.
Dear Client & Engineer,
Makes you wonder why you don't hear more of ice and frozen tundra worship springing up in different neolithic era - and later - cultures around the globe.?ÿ
In central Minnesota ??Feels like? temps have been between -20 and -30 since Friday. Sounds crazy but even at those temps with my Carhart xtremes was sweating a bit today trudging through the snow.?ÿ
Feet and face on the other hand...
You're a real man
Love the cold, but that's just crazy cold.?ÿ Wood stove, ass in recliner weather.
Apparently, my threats are working, but not too well
Now, Mr. Weatherman says Thursday will start at 9 F, go to a high of 25 F and drop to a low of 6 F overnight with only 12 mph wind from the NE.
Sunday looks like the really fun day.?ÿ Start off at 6 F, go to a high of only 9 F and drop to a low of -2 F overnight with 18 mph wind from the N,
And, to top it off, it's the first weekend with no football, not even a game with 18 unified for one team while the other team only gets to have 11.
Currently 6 F, feels like -7 F.?ÿ Yesterday while working it was around 15 F with feels like of 2 F.?ÿ We survived.?ÿ In and out of a vehicle as needed.?ÿ Digging in an asphalt road was fun (found bent bar 12" deep).?ÿ Setting cotton spindles in an asphalt road wasn't as easy as one would think.?ÿ Head snapped off of one just before reaching surface level.
Digging in frozen asphalt isn't any fun if you ask me.?ÿ I use to keep an old long-handled single bit ax in the truck just for such occasions.?ÿ It was so cold one day the handle snapped off on its first smack.
Come to think of it, that corner was pretty close to your stompin' grounds.?ÿ It was right outside Braman, OK.
That was back when I worked for the highway department.?ÿ I lived in the OKC metro area but worked out of Perry, OK.?ÿ And my "area" was all of the state north of Perry and west of I-35 including the panhandle.?ÿ Seems like all my work was really close to the KS line.
During the spring season the change in weather can be most evident.?ÿ I remember mowing my lawn one weekend for the first time that spring and I had trees that were budding.?ÿ On Monday I drove north to work (60 miles) in Perry where the trees weren't quite there yet.?ÿ Then I grabbed a crew and drove an hour north to Medford, OK.?ÿ There was a fresh layer of snow on top of last week's six inches and we all worked with in our coveralls and snow gear.?ÿ It took some getting use to.?ÿ ?ÿ
We call this a spud bar:
I surveyed in Nebraska for 15 years and all we used was a tile spade and a cold chisel...
moved to Puyallup and BING! Why didn't we ever use one of these!!!?ÿ