Last seen: January 12, 2025 11:57 pm
I'm going Leica over Sokkia every time, no matter what we are talking about.
The benefits at a gov't job are, generally, going to be pretty good. Most often better that anything the private side can offer. This was a big key wh...
I use the GMP101s for higher precision ties. I don't have anything bigger in the truck. I suppose that there is a distance limit to them but I haven't...
You are asking your questions in a rather academic-technical manner and I'm not really an academic-technical guy. So I'm not sure that I fully underst...
Back in the day you could only take the test on two specific days per year and then had to wait 10-12 weeks for the results. I took it in late April a...
I'm no expert but from what I've read going with an AMD processor may not be the best idea for a first timer. It seems that there can be more compatab...
"One example was a drilling crew that accidentally penetrated an electrical duct bank. The utility had been marked ‘approximately’ 30 feet away." Ex...
I use an epoxy putty I get on the plumbing aisle, which greatly reduces the mixing hassle.
Yes, you probably clicked through an opportunity to uncheck a box. We all do it. If you google something like "setting default programs" you will get...
If you operate in one man/robotic mode with a multi person crew mindset there will indeed be problems. The thinking has to be changed to accommodate ...
Solving a nagging problem and learning something new is always a great feeling.
The $200-$300 number is, almost certainly, for a mortgage certificate (or whatever they call them in your area). Which all surveyors know is not a sur...
Fine by me. Not my problem if they can’t understand accuracy, and I don’t need to take on liability for a spec that I can’t meet. OK as long as you h...
For control with RTK I collect a session, then rotate the rod 180° and collect another. I collect until the 3d coordinate quality number reaches 0.02'...
That would be ideal, but I doubt that there is much to be gained. If such a document can be produced, the property remains merged. If a document, poss...
BTW - this symposium is going to be rebroadcast this week. I think maybe people could still get in on that. If so, it's super cheap and easy PDH's. Ju...
Early in my career GPS was the new emerging technology and there were early adopters providing specialty GPS control services. Not all were licensed s...
"Given that there’s is no deed expressing an intent to merge the two parcels, when and how did the parcels merge?” ....hopefully they wouldn’t sugg...
To reiterate what I said earlier - the academic question of whether these should still be seperate lots or not is of no consequence. What matters is i...
Here in Oregon there is the time before the Subdivision Control Act of 1963, and the time after (technically, there is also the 10 year period the law...