Last seen: January 3, 2025 7:15 am
I am probably one of the few here who wished this disclaimer could be true. While boundary lines for the most part, don't move after a real estate t...
@rover83 Not required in all states. I've drawn up many boundary plans, ready to be recorded, that never saw the light of day again. I believe th...
Somehow people have been convinced that it's not worth the few thousand dollars to actually define what they're more than willing to pay hundreds of t...
Happens all the time. The descriptions overlap, but when you find the original monuments, sometimes they agree with the junior deed instead
@peter-lothian Thanks, I'll be looking around, but this is a wooded area, and no one is using up to the bank on either side. So, it'll be tough to ...
@thebionicman Thanks for the lesson. My post was to see if anyone was seeing something in that description that I wasn't, not necessarily how to su...
Just to be neighborly I’d talk to the adjoining property owner. I've talked. The neighbor knows nothing about the brook, and was even unaware that...
@mike-in-texas M-B description in rods from the 1800's, excepting that parcel sold to the abutter (described above). No mention of the brook
@james-vianna Well, I hope it doesn't go to court, and that the adjoining landowner and the town can come to an agreement about it
ambiguity is interpreted against the grantor? That was my initial thought
@james-vianna It may come to that. There are a few other issues of encroachment onto our client's land (the town).
@peter-lothian Thanks for the reply, Peter. The walls are the same vintage, whether original from 1877 or not. I'm going to presume they are. Tha...
Ol' Knud Hermanson would include examples of surveys that he considered standard that included everything, including the precise location of the mailb...
@wendell Agreed, it's not that bad. But I do often wonder where this world of cookie-cutter, small, perfectly square lots with nice, neat, irons at...
This is the way gas pipeline easements have been conveyed for as long as I know of. Power lines too, sometimes Sometimes they run into ledge during ...
I think I'd be more concerned and wanting to fix this haywire thing you speak of. We re-number points for many reasons. And using either notepad to ...
@andy-j I've been using Carlson with embedded ACAD for almost 20 years, and I like it. My only exposure to ICAD was in it's first offering withe Ca...
Unless you're staking out that day, there's nothing to worry about. Change the coordinates in your raw file when you go to process the file. Everyth...