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We need to continually educate the public about what we do. The old folks might know, but the younger folks are clueless.

Posted : March 20, 2024 5:07 am
Posts: 3354

The monument was probably in the right of way. Many people think the right of way is the edge of the road. In the neighborhoods around me the right of way is 50' in subdivisions, but the road is only about 25' wide from back of curbs. But I recently dug up some mons that were in the grass between the edge of road and the r-o-w, nobody had an issue after I explained. Of course, we were careful to put the grass plug back on top the way it was so you couldn't really tell we were ever there. Probably very area specific

Here is one that is 5' inside the r-o-w...

But of course a more detailed explanation from the mystery man would have helped.

Posted : March 20, 2024 5:30 am
Posts: 4466

We modeled our ROE after Oregon. It is well balanced and prevents these black eye incidents...

Posted : March 20, 2024 6:10 am
Posts: 38

It is pretty surprising that no one involved with this investigative report could speculate why??

Posted : March 20, 2024 6:18 am
Posts: 3082

We need some Rules of Engagement here...

Posted : March 20, 2024 6:44 am

Posts: 3082

It is pretty surprising that no one involved with this investigative report could speculate why??

Remember just how ignorant this "reporter" is with a story that requires almost no work in order to find the answer. Now apply that to complex or difficult stories.

Now we understand that absolutely nothing from the "news" is worth anything.

Posted : March 20, 2024 6:47 am
Posts: 4466

We should also take note that had the 'surveyor' done his job no 'reporter' would have been called. The general public doesn't speak our language or understand what we do. If we aren't going to the field we could at least send someone with people skills..

Posted : March 20, 2024 7:27 am
Posts: 448

I emailed News 12 Long Island about this story, appalled at the lack of any semblance of brain use (let alone journalism) that entered any part of this story. Literally leaving viewers dumber than they were before watching... and the rest of us scratching our heads at the unbelievable level of stupidity on display.

Posted : March 20, 2024 7:31 am
Posts: 3082

We should also take note that had the ‘surveyor’ done his job no ‘reporter’ would have been called.

What exactly would you have that guy do that wouldn't turn a 30 minute recon effort into an all day affair?

Besides, I got the distinct impression there was a language barrier thrown into the mix. Combine that language barrier with the stunning ignorance of someone that supposedly owns property buy has no idea about how that property is marked, and I bet he tried harder than the story makes it appear.

Posted : March 20, 2024 8:18 am
Posts: 2359

Very funny story. Totally embarrassing for the news channel. I mean if this isn't the slowest news day on earth for these people then I don't know what is.

This is yet another reason to knock first... so you don't end up the dork on some trash news piece.

Posted : March 20, 2024 11:16 am

Posts: 2542

So this brings up something that I don’t see being done as often now days like I was taught back years ago. It has actually been frowned upon in our assembly line got get the job done approach. I was taught to keep a decent clean shirt hung up behind the seat and one of the first things we did was take the time to knock on doors with usually a letter and business card in hand. We made homeowners aware of what we would be doing along or near or within their property even if they were not the subject property. This did not mean we disclosed everything about the why or who and the clients intentions. I can remember sitting on the front porch as a homeowner called the office to verify back when phone hung on the wall. Which was not that often but sometimes people were Leary a bit. I have received several glasses of sweet tea a cup of coffee a pie etc. even some good old home cooking. But that was many many years ago. I did receive some yawls peach sweet tea 3 days in a row doing a survey just last year. I think common courtesy goes along way. Plus we often times would be back in that neighborhood again often from just being courteous and taking the time to let people know. I started this as an Iman we would split up and let them know. I understand time is money and some states have right of entry but a simple knock on the door and a small dose of a gift for gab goes far. Plus it helps to Preach The Gospel or get the public awareness up and educate them. My 2 cents. I have encountered some A-Holes in the process as well and had doors slammed but for the most part that was the small percentage. This article does hit home that so many people have no clue what we actually do. I bet their are some old timers here that years ago talking to a neighbor and such could be simply walked right to the property corner or hey go down that tree line and past that old car or field equipment and look over by that xxx and it’s right there been there since dad was a kid.

Posted : March 20, 2024 11:40 am
Posts: 7728

I must say that this guys technique is poor. There are ways to do this that cause less disturbance. He seems to be attempting to make the greatest mess he can.

As for the "journalism", strange man digging holes in peoples yards makes a story, surveyor doing his job does not. It's all about attracting eyeballs and getting clicks. It has nothing to do with disseminating useful information.

Posted : March 21, 2024 1:17 am
Posts: 3082

"I must say that this guys technique is poor. There are ways to do this that cause less disturbance. He seems to be attempting to make the greatest mess he can."

I completely agree with this. This may be working in the ROW, but the Golden Rule always applies.

Posted : March 21, 2024 2:06 am
Posts: 38

Ironic this is during Surveyors Week. Probably shouldn't be saying "I'm going to grab the gun and shoot in this corner".

Nowadays with people working from home it can be more of a bother for them if I knock at the door. If I don't need to go onto or cross property and I am only working in the ROW or adjacent to the property in question, I usually won't knock on a door. If someone comes out, I will definitely explain what I am doing in general terms and professionally. It can be tricky if someone is screaming at you from a window or doorstep. I might be reluctant to cross onto their property and shouting back is awkward.

Posted : March 21, 2024 2:24 am
Posts: 1457

This thing was completely blown out of proportion and I'm willing to bet that the proper explanations were given to those that bothered to ask him what he was doing. Something tells me that this the classic case of a Karen who did not comprehend the story relayed to her.

Posted : March 21, 2024 5:43 am

Posts: 4466

My reply is missing. Trying again..

In Idaho a recon starts with written notice. That includes monuments along the right of way. Failure to provide notice can result in criminal trespass charges for the crew and Board discipline for the PLS.

We have pre-printed door hangers and fill in the blanks. We hand them to those who are home and leave them on a door or gate post if they aren't. The number of tense situation has dropped to near zero for us since the ROE law was implemented.

Posted : March 21, 2024 5:46 am
Posts: 21

There was actually a follow-up story posted today:

Posted : March 22, 2024 2:14 am