Can't find many manufactures who will state a maximum range from robot to controller even for line of sight with no obstructions etc.
Be interested to know what others get? Too start the ball rolling a Leica tcrp1205 with external tcps27b radio and rx1200 controller won't get over 200m. It does have a bit over a decade under its belt though.
So what's the best your setup does in the real world?
It's normally the tracking rather than the radio which limits the range. The old GDM4400 used to manage 400+ metres, GDM640 and Trimble 5605 manage 350ish. I'd plan the survey to stay say 50 metres inside expected range. Then any extra is a bonus and timesaver. Once the range starts to struggle it's generally better to move to the next station rather than mess on forever.
The only time I get radio dropout is close to some interference source - typically data streaming units on pumping stations etc. A real pain on landfill sites.
My Spectra Precision?ÿ Focus 35 is good for 1000-1200 feet using the 2.4 ghz radios. I know that a Trimble S6 is good for more than that, possibly 1200 to 1500 feet or more. So far my S5 is good to 21 feet but I just got it last week and it hasnt made it outside.
Trimble S6 & S7 with Yuma2 & Yuma 7 will track the Mt1000 out to 2500-2600 ft and the radio will reach out to 3500-4000 ft with no obstructions. ?ÿOn the rare occasion where I need to shoot optical beyond MT1000 range I switch to a 62mm prism and go get it.
Is that based on experience? I've had an S6/TSC3 drop out at 150 metres
Yes, I torture tested my s6/Yuma2 combo in a high RF environment along a highway prior to purchase. My S7 seems to be a little more susceptible to reduced radio range due to interference but its never happened under 2000 ft. One day when I have time I want to take them both out to a known difficult area and run them side by side then switch DC’s, antennas, etc to look for the source of the difference.
Dropping out at 150 meters would have me looking for sources of interference or having the radios tested/swapped.
I have an S5 with a Ranger 7 and believe I've gone out past 1000 feet.?ÿ There was one time I was trying to shoot inside a corn field and even though the prism was above the corn it seemed like the radio had trouble going because of the corn.?ÿ That was probably around 800 feet or less.
a Leica tcrp1205 with external tcps27b radio and rx1200 controller won't get over 200m.
What kind of shape are the antennas in? If they look even a bit rough you may want to replace them. Operating these radios with compromised antennas will not only reduce range but also reduce the life of the radio. And that is an expensive fix.?ÿ
To directly answer your question -it depends on where you are at the time, and what else is there with you, but 1000' ft (~300m) seems to be about the limit.?ÿ ?ÿ
These radios when new in open environments usually achieved 1,000" ft?ÿ
Can't find many manufactures who will state a maximum range from robot to controller even for line of sight with no obstructions etc.
Be interested to know what others get? ?ÿToo start the ball rolling a Leica tcrp1205 with external tcps27b radio and rx1200 controller won't get over 200m. It does have a bit over a decade under its belt though.
So what's the best your setup does in the real world?
I've seen the range for RH16 radio handles shown as 1000m, but believe that was on a dealer website, not a technical sheet from Leica.
Personally, the longest measurement with a robot I've made is ~455m with a TCRP1205 and RH1200 radio handle to a RX1220 controller.?ÿ I couldn't even see the instrument from that distance but I knew it was aimed in the correct direction and the number on the controller looked right.?ÿ It was a known control point which later confirmed it was a good measurement.?ÿ Rarely need to go beyond 200m these days with newer Leica equipment so not sure what the RH16 handle to CS20 range might be.