Hello, Im an engineering aide out in Philadelphia Pa. The company I'm with often gets contracts with the water dept. This means I have to take measurements of sewers/manholes.?ÿI currently use a Pipe Mic 2.
1 Is there another tool used for taking the crown measurements of the pipe? The crown measurement is the length between the top of the pipe and the top of the manhole.
2 Is there a safe way to store/travel with a pipe mic after use? The company SUV does have a rack on top of it. I'm thinking this rack could be utilized to ensure I can travel with this unsanitary device without putting it directly in the SUV. I wonder if there is a way to place the pipe mic within a PVC pipe and place it on top of the rack with stainless steel pipe clamps. This is of course just an idea. Is there any apparatuses I could utilize (besides the cloth bag) that could hold a device like a pipe mic on the top of a car/SUV?
I can't help with the SUV issues --. this is a situation in which an open-bed pickup truck is useful -- but I carry a box of chlorine bleach wipes in the truck so I can wipe down the Pipe Mic before stowing it.?ÿ I don't bother with the others types of sanitizing wipes, I use the ones with real chlorine bleach.
You need a bucket, a brush, water and bleach in your truck.
A plastic bag to stick over the working end is good too
think of it as kind of like a condom but bigger and thicker and more capable
and don't forget when you open up a sewer lid all that moisture coming at you that's full of covid hepatitis all kinds of fun viruses down there don't forget that you better put on your mask
and roaches....oh the inhumanity.....
think of it as kind of like a condom but bigger and thicker and more capable
Yup, and when you have all your personal gear on it looks like you are wearing one yourself 🙁
An Aussie surveyor once told me if you dont see roaches, its because there is a snake
Years ago I opened a sanitary lid down by the railroad station in Stocken, CA.?ÿ I swear one of the roaches flipped me off and closed the lid back up.?ÿ They were huge, plentiful and not happy to see me.
I keep my dirty things in plastic bins or plywood boxes to contain the mess as best as I can.
I have had a Pipe Mic with the offset attachment for at least 15 years.?ÿ They work great but are next to impossible to get reasonably clean enough to but back in the covered bed of my truck.?ÿ Unless the dips are super critical it stays in the storage area behind the office.?ÿ Even just a fiberglass rod is kind of disgusting but at least I can wrap the bottom in a plastic bag so the brown trout don't stick to it.
At least for inverts I've been thinking about using aluminium rod sections with the 'Hidden Point' routine in my MS50.?ÿ At least it would easy to wipe off and have the added benefit of giving actual heights.
and don't forget when you open up a sewer lid all that moisture coming at you that's full of covid hepatitis all kinds of fun viruses down there don't forget that you better put on your mask
But, this is how I have built up my immunities all these decades.
At least for inverts I've been thinking about using aluminium rod sections with the 'Hidden Point' routine in my MS50.?ÿ At least it would easy to wipe off and have the added benefit of giving actual heights.
I??ve been searching so long, to find a (better solution).? Chicago paraphrase.
The truck bed is the best solution, also I take infected tools and lay them on the floor of a car wash and spray them with tire cleaner, then the hot soap, then rinse and dry them. I do that when I've walked through poison ivy and it should work for manhole tools.?ÿ?ÿ
I??ve been searching so long, to find a (better solution).
If I had a lot to do, I would duct tape a lath to the end of a fiberglass rod; subtract the difference; and toss it, when I was done.
Today, I try to get the client to hire someone with confined space training...
I??ve been searching so long, to find a (better solution).
If I had a lot to do, I would duct tape a lath to the end of a fiberglass rod; subtract the difference; and toss it, when I was done.
Today, I try to get the client to hire someone with confined space training...
This is my SOP.
I might have posted about this on here before but I called a company that manufactures plastic bags once and asked if they could make me some custom bags.?ÿ I think they said 6 mil was as thick as they could go so I said OK how about a 6-mil bread bag style with dimensions 2 inch x 4 inch x 48 inch-- basically a condom for a philly rod.?ÿ My plan was to rubber band these around the rod and then throw them away after the dips.?ÿ She said they could do it but the minimum order was 5000 bags and was like $1500 which was too rich for my blood so I passed.?ÿ If I could find 10 surveyors though I'd be down to split the order-- 500 bags each for $150.
I've done the lath thing too which also works.
Take some comfort in the thousands of folks working at waste water treatment plants, without masks, who go on to live long lives.?ÿ If you're convinced you're going to get cholera or hepatitis, you need to also analyze how you put on and take off your gloves.?ÿ Get the thick chemical rated ones that are more like a gauntlet as anything with elastic cuffs will get your wrists all icky.?ÿ
Be more concerned about industrial chemicals that human waste.?ÿ Watch out for hydrogen sulfide, particularly in outfalls or if you start seeing signs of corrosion.?ÿ I never used the pipe-mic, but I used a capped 6in pvc pipe to hold the dedicated level rod and didn't worry too much about cleaning it other than a quick wipe on the ground from time to time.?ÿ Copper kills bacteria, so maybe a foot long sleeve of thin copper plate would be a good addition.
@jitterboogie Standard around here is a bunch of large cockroaches and often a large black widow with a guaranteed food supply.