Professional Land Surveyor License in California
Four-year degree
Minimum of ten (10) years of Surveying Geomatics experience with increasing levels of responsibility
Minimum of five (5) years of Surveying Geomatics project management experience
Demonstrated success in managing a group of office and field surveyors
Demonstrated success in marketing and business development
Excellent communication skills and public speaking ability
Intimate knowledge / relationships with potential clients in Northern CA
Successful management and delivery of projects in Northern CA
Experience in the preparation of business / strategic plans
Strong project financial management skills
Community and professional leadership
If he does he's are already in business for himself.
Happy Holidays B-)
Boy, I agree with FL Ga. There is no way, somebody that well qualified, would go to work, to push somebody else's boat!
Those job requirements sound like they were written from the resume of someone that they had decided to hire before the job officially came open. The next requirements listed would be that their initials had to be the same as the person that they had already "unofficially" given the job to and that they be the brother-in-law of the person doing the hiring...
Not sure, but, how do you like this surveyor's superman Christmas socks?
They have the cape too:
{Thread Hijack over}
I never could find those socks at Walmart, but I did have a pair of underpants that read, across the front, "Home of the Whopper".
Mrs. Smarty pants SWMBO suggested it read "Home of the Chicken McNugget".:'( 😉
Happy Holidays B-)
I don't know but bet he/she lives in Northern CA. Where is the line between Northern and the remainder of CA?
Just curious; which part do you find out of the ordinary for a PLS? Seems reasonable to me, so I'm kind of surprised at the heading and replys. Or is there something about Northern California that discourages these qualifications?
Heck, I thought it sounded like you Dave.
Describes just about every survey division manager, department manager, and most senior project managers at AEC firms around here.
It left out "take this position and you'll never survey again, just write proposals, attend meetings, and manage budgets"
Oh, but you still have to sign all the surveys!
Speaking of socks. Mrs. Cow purchased two pair for me that are fluorescent orange to match my other safety gear. I guess once the car knocks me on my butt and my feet are sticking straight up someone might actually be able to see them.
Sometimes it sounds good after 16 years of pushing my own boat.
My SWMBO would say;more like a junior whoppero.O
> "take this position and you'll never survey again, just write proposals, attend meetings, and manage budgets"
Nail on the head right there!
Oh, sorry I did not receive your message sooner. I have moved to a different line of work and my Super Surveyor senses aren't as keen as they once were. I must say, however, that you seem to be missing a few key aspects of my previous Super Surveyor abilities. But enough of this, I must return to my ice cave to finish a website project.
> Requirements:
> Professional Land Surveyor License in California
> Four-year degree
> Minimum of ten (10) years of Surveying Geomatics experience with increasing levels of responsibility
> Minimum of five (5) years of Surveying Geomatics project management experience
> Demonstrated success in managing a group of office and field surveyors
> Demonstrated success in marketing and business development
> Excellent communication skills and public speaking ability
> Intimate knowledge / relationships with potential clients in Northern CA
> Successful management and delivery of projects in Northern CA
> Experience in the preparation of business / strategic plans
> Strong project financial management skills
> Community and professional leadership
I must be missing something. It sounds like a perfectly reasonable set of requirements for a survey director/manager at a large of even mid-sized engineering/surveying/?? firm.
We all know surveying is a lot more than just surveying.
> Where is the line between Northern and the remainder of CA?
[sarcasm]Anything South of Dunsmuir![/sarcasm]
A boy can dream can't he?
There is always someone in the bunch that will go "kaduh seems reasonable to me ka yuk yuk"... The list is about as reasonable as abolishing the minimum wage. This sounds like a good job for someone who wants to go to work for an accounting firm. Maybe a youngster just out of college and newly licensed with time climbing the latter in a large firm and looking to make the leap to a bigger office.... But for the life of me I have a hard time thinking that anyone smart enough and good enough to have a proven track record in marketing and business planning and developing business would want to give all the profit to someone else....As others have stated, someone who could meet that criteria is in business for themselves.....
I found him, but he's in NJ!
Ok Dan can you please post a link to that Magazine. I couldn't find that but I did find one called Coordinates.
Thanks in advance.;-) 🙂 😀