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Curious as to what the most popular data collector used?

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Posts: 2491
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Inquiring minds want to know...Limited to only 10 choices...

N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY

Posted : December 12, 2019 5:07 am
Posts: 6044

After field book and pencil, that would be the HP 48, with either TDS or SMI software.

TDS and SMI are essentially the same software, with SMI having a more convenient?ÿ display (in my opinion). If you switch the SMI from default display you will get the TDS format. Years ago I occasionally worked with another surveyor when his 2 field crews got very busy. For backup he had a Topcon 205 and an HP 48 with TDS. I had a Trimble 3306 and an HP 48 with SMI. If we were doing 3 or 4 small jobs in one day we would switch positions, Iman and rod man. No matter what combination of the 4 we were using things went along OK. Currently I am using an HP 48 fresh of of the factory box, with SMI in a black TDS environmental case, due to bluetooth issues between my SurveCE and EDM.

Paul in PA

Posted : December 12, 2019 6:46 am
Posts: 350

I really liked the TSC3 since I grew up on Trimble stuff.?ÿ I haven't had the chance to see the new 7 yet but I think I would love it.?ÿ We use the Panasonic Toughpad with Leica iCON software nowadays since I'm on the construction side of things.?ÿ It's awesome having a big screen that I can actually read and having a nice background map is wonderful.?ÿ I couldn't imagine dragging it through a gnarly topo though!?ÿ Definitely don't miss that stuff.

Posted : December 12, 2019 7:31 am
Posts: 1080


Historic boundaries and conservation efforts.

Posted : December 12, 2019 8:12 am
Posts: 7719


I point out that the TSC3 is functionally identical to the Ranger 3. Just a different badge on it. I have one of those which has had both Survey Pro and Magnet. Very different experience from Access, which I have also experienced. I'm thinking that I have seen them run SurvCE as well. 

The TSC3/Ranger 3 is ubiquitous, but .... it's a very large heavy device even by the standards of 2009 with a screen half the size of my iphone at quintuple the cost. It is not capable of multitasking. It's operating system is clunky compared to a $150 Android. We are all used to it, but it's a dinosaur.

I love the TSC7's big screen, but it's a load! Running Windows 10 is an upgrade from Windows Mobile, but it makes the 7 inch screen seem small. 

I've also used Leica's CS15 in the recent past. Heavy, tiny screen, with buttons that are downright uncomfortable to press. I got the impression that the design philosophy was predicated on invading Russia.

In short, my feeling is that all data collection hardware is technologically way behind the cheapest of smartphone and I can't figure why.       

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:23 am

Posts: 3082


Microsurvey has an android app now...(beta I think)

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:43 am
Posts: 2491
Topic starter


I couldn’t agree more. It’s galactically stuipd that manufactures haven’t moved to android or iOS. I will never buy a TSC7 until forced.

However, the outdated push buttons work well in field conditions where tablets do not.

What would kick ass would be a blackberry style collector.  

N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:50 am
Posts: 350


Good stuff!  I can imagine that the 7 seems enormous!  My first collector was actually the Geodimeter 640 face plate that you would pop off the TS and put on the cradle.  Pretty much like DOS operation too.  So when the TSC's started, having that Windows screen was a revelation!

Our building interior carpenters actually use iPad's with Autodesk BIM360 Layout.  The BIM360 suite is all cloud based so when I put a bunch of interior wall points in the Revit model, I can export them and a background to BIM360 GLUE to a specific layout folder.  The guy in the field simply swipes down the page and the new content will appear.  It's pretty amazing.  The Ipad has not proven to be very durable unfortunately.  Hot and cold conditions make it useless.  Fortunately, Autodesk has just come out with an Android based BIM360 Layout that will allow us to switch to a more rugged built Samsung unit that we have on order. 

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:55 am
Posts: 932

We use 3 on that list. It just depends on what equipment we're using and what type of conditions we're working in.?ÿ Under optimal circumstances, nice cool weather on an open job site, the TSC7 is definitely the preferred collector.

Posted : December 12, 2019 10:11 am
Posts: 1124

We have been using a Ranger 7 (same as a TSC 7) for several months now.?ÿ It does feel big at first and it doesn't balance on the pole as well but once I got used to it, I wouldn't got back.?ÿ The larger screen is nice and really good in the sunlight.?ÿ Its also really fast.?ÿ Open a really large job and it just takes a couple of seconds.

We use it to run a Trimble S5 and a Trimble R10 system.?ÿ I like the survey pro software a little better but I think the Trimble software would run our stuff a little better. Once in a while it glitches when hooking up to the R10.

Posted : December 12, 2019 11:17 am

Posts: 2248

I voted TSC7 since my Yuma7 wasn't on the list and it is basically a TSC7 minus the keyboard.?ÿ

Posted : December 12, 2019 11:43 am
Posts: 7308

Other, Carlson Surveyor+.

Posted : December 12, 2019 3:26 pm
Posts: 328


How many use Carlson RT3 with SurvCE?

Is that an "other" and not the Carlson item in the list?

JA PLS SoCal?ÿ


Changerd quirk to with

Posted : December 12, 2019 5:43 pm
Posts: 83

Carlson RT3/SurvPC user here?ÿ

Posted : December 12, 2019 6:12 pm
Posts: 175


I demoed it yesterday on my Samsung S9. I feel it's still in a beta version as it is somewhat handicapped, but Android is the future. I like the EGStar software better, but I can't figure out how to change units to US survey foot and how to import State plane coordinate systems which is unfortunate since it's a free Android app. 

Posted : December 12, 2019 8:11 pm

Posts: 450

Other due to: field book & paper, TSC2/Ranger (SCS900) and a Getac (SurvCE 5).

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:16 pm
Posts: 978

Other, onboard Leica smartworx

Posted : December 12, 2019 9:17 pm
Posts: 10522

Other- I've used TDS, and Carlson.

By far, the data collector is still quite in it's infancy.

Someday, data collectors will have least squares, and will actually show data more like a field book did.

Someday, you will speak to your data collector, and it will type as you speak, and it will (as a matter of course) also record the sound byte, that the text came from. Also, when memory gets cheap enough, you will have a camera on you, and your data collector, (a little like a Google earth car) but, running invisibly in the background. This will supply an additional record of field activity.

As I said, the data collectors of the future, will do things, we have not yet thought of.


Posted : December 13, 2019 8:28 am
Posts: 10522


As I read your first paragraph above, about parchment paper, I thought it was me typing..,,



Posted : December 13, 2019 9:04 am
Posts: 1033

That's the way it was, and we liked it...


Posted : December 13, 2019 3:32 pm

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