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Help w/ Carlson Survey Drafting w/ Intellicad

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After hearing all the good feed back here on Carlson, migrated over to using it a little over a year ago. Typically it's winter and construction season staking is winding down following freeze up when I get into doing mostly design surveys where we go out and map areas that engineers want to design for next season's projects. Give us a chance to get the control situation half way figured out and give them a good 2D maps of where everything really is in relation to rights of way and so on. So far, my experience with Carlson has been consistent with what someone here said that 'you'll hate it until you love it'. For example since day 1 I've wrestled with line work staying fixed to cogo coordinates, trying everything, 'linkline', checking all the boxes 'link line work to points', and yet when opened my current?ÿ drawing this morning, my line work vertices had shifted .4' off the point nodes.?ÿ

So throwing this out there, if anyone is willing to share any of there most frequently used commands, routines, yada yada, that I can play with to up my game, be most appreciated. Take any help I can get. I need to get into F2F but have no experience with it. When I manage to get the monkey troupe off my back like to dive into it. Feel free to shoot me a message or just throw me a hint or example.

I'm still not sure whatever a THRAC is, but maybe this is close? I tell people I may be slow, but I'm good?ÿand everyone that's known me says I need help. ?????ÿ

Headed into the long dark here and I want to come out the other side loving Carlson.

Cheers and TIA.


Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 2, 2022 12:16 pm
Posts: 375

I've been using Carlson w/ Intellicad since June 2018, and I have never had my linework or points move unless a tech started messing around in the drawing.

Can you detail your workflow? Do you use the same CRD for both office and field??ÿ

Coming from C3D, the learning curve wasn't terrible. I've usually been able to Google a fix, but on the rare occasion I get stuck, a call or email to Customer Service has always resulted in getting my issues resolved.


Posted : November 2, 2022 5:59 pm
Posts: 645

Iƒ??ve been using Carlson w/IntelliCAD simce 2018 myself. Iƒ??ve never experienced line work moving from points. Are you creating the points and then adding the line work? If so, maybe your O-Snap settings arenƒ??t what you thought and you didnƒ??t get snapped to the point. If you are creating the line work first bow are you creating the points? Are you using the create points from entities command in the Survey Menu?

Posted : November 3, 2022 2:23 am
Posts: 2332

I'll take credit for that quote.

Any chance your have Locate on Real Z Axis checked on your Points Defaults and/or on F2F, Additional Draw Options ?

Posted : November 3, 2022 4:46 am
Posts: 4293

I think it's impossible to THRAC one's self, you're just asking intelligent and interesting questions.

This would be a THRAC in your thread....

So I was using the free version of intellicad and decided that I was just going to avoid all digital drafting and go back to pencils and French curves...

I'm sure the Divine Bovine will verify the example as I sit too close to the sun of THRAC to opine the vitues...


in fact my entire post is essentially a THRAC.


carry on!

Posted : November 3, 2022 5:14 am

Posts: 3384
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Posted by: @hi-staker

I've been using Carlson w/ Intellicad since June 2018, and I have never had my linework or points move unless a tech started messing around in the drawing.

Can you detail your workflow? Do you use the same CRD for both office and field??ÿ

Coming from C3D, the learning curve wasn't terrible. I've usually been able to Google a fix, but on the rare occasion I get stuck, a call or email to Customer Service has always resulted in getting my issues resolved.



I spent some time on the phone with Carlson and they suggested that it might be that the view vantage was inadvertently getting skewed so it appeared vertices were not on the nodes as I'm working with 2D polyines and coordinates with elevations. His suggestion was to type PLAN on the command line and enter twice. Unfortunately I don't think that's the issue as I placed a coordinate on the vertices of the pline and the inverse to the node was consistently off a smidge more than .4' horizontally so I'd have to move the line back using the osnap function.?ÿ

We're using Trimble gear, Access to collect field points and bringing them in as an ASCII PNEZD file and for example edge of pavement, those I'm drawing in using the Draw/2D polyline, point #-point#, then going in and manually editing the line for breaks and joining the plines where necessary. The comp points are computed using visual cogo by bearing and distance, deflections (90 to a radius point, delta and radius out to the end of a curve. The line work is followed up drawing point # to point #, arc and so on, all done using point numbers. In short computing the coordinates first and following up with the line work and linking line and points, which works most of the time but not always. I understand some workflows draw the line work in first and then coordinates are created off of the linework. I'm open to whatever works consistently.

The whole F2F looks to be quite promising and I know many here rely on it but I'm not there yet, I'm working on it. In the mean time I'm doing my best to get the drawings done 'old school', but my observation is that Carlson is really designed to optimize the F2F and going about drafting without using it is a bit of a monkey humping a football, in my case anyway. I'll get it figured out but I'll take Eureka! moment wherever the heck I can find it.



Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 3, 2022 9:30 am
Posts: 3384
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Posted by: @jph

I'll take credit for that quote.

Any chance your have Locate on Real Z Axis checked on your Points Defaults and/or on F2F, Additional Draw Options ?

First thing I do is check that 'Locate on Real Z Axis' is not checked. I will double check 'Additional Draw Options'. Thanks for the suggestion.

Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 3, 2022 9:33 am
Posts: 3384
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Posted by: @bushaxe

Iƒ??ve been using Carlson w/IntelliCAD simce 2018 myself. Iƒ??ve never experienced line work moving from points. Are you creating the points and then adding the line work? If so, maybe your O-Snap settings arenƒ??t what you thought and you didnƒ??t get snapped to the point. If you are creating the line work first bow are you creating the points? Are you using the create points from entities command in the Survey Menu?

I used the 'Create Points from Entities' with the line work to verify the line vertices were actually shifted off of the nodes, but otherwise in drawing the polylines I'm relying on the point numbers and not osnaps. I'm looking into whether the issue might have something to do with using 'annotative points'. I know that is causing me some grief in assigning symbols to codes using the 'Edit Multiple Point Attributes' function.

Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 3, 2022 9:39 am
Posts: 181


I have used Carlson with Intellicad exclusively for several years now, and have not had that happen to me.?ÿ I am also working toward a f2f setup that will be efficient, and am not there.?ÿ A couple things come to mind to check.?ÿ Grid to ground (probably already checked), try drawing points with and without F2F and see if that changes anything.?ÿ If you do any point transformations, or scaling using the "translate" command, it gives you the option to translate screen entities along with points.?ÿ If none of these help find your problem, I would email it to carlson support and ask them to take a look at it.?ÿ



Posted : November 3, 2022 10:09 am
Posts: 375

You can also link your linework to your points.?ÿ

Points tab, go to Points Utilities flyout, and then check the "Link linework with points" tab and follow the instructions.

For what it's worth, we still don't have our F2F at 100% yet. Part of it is field guys not understanding the workflow, part of it is I'm to damn busy to take the time to drill into the minutia to get it to the 100% mark. Maybe we will finally slow down this winter....

Posted : November 3, 2022 10:48 am

Posts: 3384
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Posted by: @hi-staker

You can also link your linework to your points.?ÿ

Points tab, go to Points Utilities flyout, and then check the "Link linework with points" tab and follow the instructions.

For what it's worth, we still don't have our F2F at 100% yet. Part of it is field guys not understanding the workflow, part of it is I'm to damn busy to take the time to drill into the minutia to get it to the 100% mark. Maybe we will finally slow down this winter....

Thanks. Will give that a shot.


Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 3, 2022 11:11 am
Posts: 514

The biggest thing I remember from early days, for point symbols, I only use spt0 point block and use the pdmode of 3.?ÿ If you use a different spt block, you can inadvertantly snap to a vertex of the block and not the node. I've been using Carlson for 25+ years.?ÿ I love the point snap inside of Intellicad because you can hover over an attribute and it will snap to the node.?ÿ Can't do that in Autocad.

Posted : November 3, 2022 2:25 pm
Posts: 2332


Carlson OEM (with ACAD) has Point object snap too

Posted : November 7, 2022 6:05 am
Posts: 514

@jph I have Node or insertion as snaps in Civil3D, not "point"

Posted : November 8, 2022 8:32 am
Posts: 2332


It's under

Settings/ Point Object Snap On/Off


And turn off your Osnaps

Posted : November 8, 2022 8:49 am

Posts: 735

For example since day 1 I've wrestled with line work staying fixed to cogo coordinates, trying everything, 'linkline', checking all the boxes 'link line work to points', and yet when opened my current?ÿ drawing this morning, my line work vertices had shifted .4' off the point nodes.?ÿ

The only thing I can think of (without seeing the DWG and associated coordinate file) is if the DWG is in a non-World UCS. At the Command prompt:

Command: UCS
Current UCS is unnamed.
[?/3point/Delete/Entity/Origin/Previous/Restore/Save/View/X/Y/Z/ZAxis/World]/<World>: w

Otherwise, you might take a copy of the DWG and run the File -- Drawing Cleanup command on it.

I hope this information helps.


Posted : November 9, 2022 6:37 am
Posts: 3384
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@ladd-nelson Thank you Sir. I'll give that a go. Drawing is set up in a standard SP Projection but I'm still getting a handle on what all boxes to check or not check to make everything work as it should. It's really more of an irritant to have to move line work back to the point nodes after they've mysteriously been shifted off. I suspected that perhaps the issue somehow involved using 2D plines with 3D coordinates?

Usually it's some box buried somewhere I didn't check or should have checked that ends up being the problem.?ÿ

In the interest of figuring out what's going on here are a couple of screen shots of the settings.?ÿ

Point Defaults
Drawing Setup


Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : November 9, 2022 10:13 am
Posts: 514

@jph Dude, I learned something new.?ÿ Appreciate it.?ÿ But you can still have the osnaps on at the same time.

Posted : November 9, 2022 11:42 am
Posts: 176

Point object snap is a must. Just hover over any part of the point and snap to the node.

Also I strongly recommend SPT0 for point symbols. You don't want a + or an x as the end point snap will snap to those. If you must have that x as the pt symbol set your pt symbol to be SPT0 then modify the pdmode system variable to display a + or x without the possibility of snapping to the end points of the symbol. Caution with that as the pdmode system variable can effect other things such as leaders aka crows feet on bearing/distance labels. With dash dot the dot may not display a dot as its dependent on the pdmode system variable.

Posted : November 9, 2022 12:20 pm
Posts: 735

@williwaw Those settings look fine to me. If you'd like to send me an example DWG with its associated CRD that is showing the problem, I'll be happy to take a look. Back channel to lnelsonATcarlsonswDOTcom.

Posted : November 9, 2022 3:45 pm

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