Getting ready to browse Amazon.?ÿ What do you guys like??ÿ My old fleece lined Carhart's are getting snug around the waist.
I hate how they keep making pants smaller, and leave the same numbers on them.
I like my filson pants over my duofold liners. I have to have a belt to hang stuff off, so I can't do the elastic waist thing, like Bill I just buy one size up so I can cinch the belt down.
Problem is my belt shrunk, must have been when I was caught in the rain. ?????ÿ
Stinkin drier.?ÿ
+1 to @mightymoe.?ÿ Layering is the way to go.?ÿ Long handles, then pants, then insulated bibs.?ÿ I hate to be stuck in lined pants if the temperature rises or I really start hustling.
I hate how they keep making pants smaller, and leave the same numbers on them.
Think they call it 'shrinkflation". See it at the supermarket all the time. Box of cornflakes is 6 oz. lighter but the number on the price tag remains the same.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
The above the law pant is a great pant, expensive but I have a pair and in light moisture weather they work great. My lined Carhartt's and Eddie Bauer's are so heavy to wear I put them on when it's really cold and nasty.?ÿ
@dougie?ÿ 25 plus years ago I was diagnosed as being diabetic.?ÿ My wife, who was a Nurse Practitioner, made me call my primary care doctor.?ÿ What set her off was that I had lost 15 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas with no change in my diet or activity.?ÿ
Unfortunately, I have put all that back on now that my insulin levels are "normal".
Check outÿ
I swear by their Big Bill wool pants.
Some come with an elastic waist band.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
Boulder gear
side zips cordura and suspenders.
I use these Carhartts over my regular clothes. I've had the same pair for 6 years now.?ÿ In the PNW water and wind proofness is everything. It doesn't get super cold like the midwest. If you can stay dry you have the battle mostly won.
@jed?ÿ I am definitely familiar with blackberry briers, and Devil's Club and what we call "Wait a Minute" briers.?ÿ I do love my Dexcom monitor though, constant readings and alarms if too high or too low.