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Ring, Ring---Your guys surveyed the wrong place

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Posts: 25359
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Me:?ÿ Hello

Client:?ÿ Hey, this is Tony.?ÿ Your guys must have surveyed the wrong place yesterday.

Me:?ÿ I can explain what you saw.?ÿ We had records showing a total of nine survey pins having been set or found in your block.?ÿ Those surveys were conducted in 1960 and 1962.?ÿ Two of those should have been found along your western boundary, the side you can't see through the dense brush next to your house.

Client:?ÿ So where are my stakes?

Me:?ÿ We are still attempting to figure out where they should be.?ÿ Of the nine pins we might have found, we only found two.?ÿ I am going to do some broader searching at the courthouse for surveys a bit further away from your house now in hopes that we can find enough valid existing monuments on which to base your survey.

Client:?ÿ So where are my stakes?

Me:?ÿ Tony, we didn't set anything yesterday because we haven't solved the puzzle yet to know where they should be.

Client:?ÿ Oh.?ÿ Are you coming back today to set my stakes?

Posted : November 3, 2022 7:33 pm
Posts: 2346

Does he do this to everyone I wonder?


Mechanic: Hello

Tony: Hi, this is Tony. Do you have my truck ready for me?

Mechanic: Well, Tony, we're having a tough time identifying the problem with your truck. We've narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities.

Tony: So is my truck ready?

Mechanic: Tony, it's up on the lift with all four wheels removed and will be there for at least another day.

Tony: can I pick up my truck today?

Posted : November 4, 2022 6:10 am
Andy Bruner
Posts: 2758

What do you mean it costs $xxxx.xx??ÿ You were only out there for one day!!!!

Of course they don't see the hours in the record room, the calls to other surveyors for unrecorded plats (Georgia is not a required recording State) or the hair you pulled out trying to solve the "puzzle".?ÿ Don't even MENTION the liability you assume.


Posted : November 4, 2022 8:10 am
Posts: 4462

Tony: Will the crew be here today?

Grumpy field coordinator(GFC): Look out your wondow.

Tony: Ok...

GFC: Do you see a crew?

Tony: No.

GFC: Your not going to either. Click...

Posted : November 4, 2022 10:11 am
Posts: 660

In the early 80's one of the biggest developers in the area (Sacramento) was a client of the firm I worked for. He came in and said he needed an ALTA to close a pending sale and he needed it by Friday. It was Tuesday, I think. The firm arranged for a drafting crew to work that night and the next (pre-CADD days) if needed to get it done on time. We went out and it was some sort industrial facility covered with buildings, loading docks, equipment, etc. We called for a second crew. At the end of the field day, we would come in and process the data (no data collectors back then) for the drafters to work from. We did this for two days/nights and had it ready before noon on Friday. The developer came in, looked at it and asked "What is this? The lot is vacant." He had given us the wrong address by a couple of numbers in the same commercial subdivision.?ÿ

Not sure how the bill was settled, but we ran out and and tied what was needed in about an hour, it was drafted, and still ready before closing on Friday.

Posted : November 4, 2022 10:35 am

Posts: 7889

We were driving through frozen corn stubble when a guy in a pick up stopped us; What The Hell Are Yoiu Guys Doing!!!

Well, we're surveying your property.

I didn't ask anyone to do a survey!?!

Seems the range number was off by 1, and we were 6 miles off.

The pick up gay says that tire tracks, on frozen ground, tend to cause channels that turn into gully's in the melt off, and erode the soil...



Posted : November 4, 2022 11:14 am
Posts: 25359
Topic starter

Found a recorded survey by accident one day that was six miles off.?ÿ Wrong range.?ÿ Thank heavens it wasn't one of mine.?ÿ Everything on the survey plat was consistent, just wrong.

Posted : November 4, 2022 11:54 am
Posts: 9861
Posted by: @dougie

Seems the range number was off by 1, and we were 6 miles off.

I once found an NGS RESET bench mark going by the to-reach, and then figured out it was the same disk as another PID.?ÿ Comparing, I found one had the longitude off by exactly one degree, which must have contributed to the duplication.

Posted : November 4, 2022 11:55 am
Posts: 2339


That's funny, I had something sorta like that happen about a year ago.

I was driving down a 2-track "road" between fields during a light mist.?ÿ It turned the dirt into a thin layer of grease so with the slight slope in the field the entire truck ended up sliding off the road and into the furrows on the lower side.?ÿ It would have made a bigger mess to try to get out of the field so I just continued down the furrows the last several hundred feet.?ÿ I don't know if the owner just happened to be driving by or what but all of the sudden here he was... stopped out on the highway and walked in to where I was working and was like what in the flying hell are you doing out here.

When I told him I was working on a state highway project I thought that might get him to relax a bit, but nope... not really.?ÿ He acknowledged he got a letter from the state regarding impending survey work so he couldn't really chew my ass for not being notified, so then he said I was gonna get stuck.?ÿ I was in a fully loaded 4WD F250 on like 1/4" of damp soil sitting on top of miles of popcorn fart dry dirt so I was thinking dude... there's about a 0.0000000000000001% chance I get stuck here.

I think he recognized this too and then accused me of damaging his field.?ÿ I apologized and said it looked like a fallow field so I thought it'd be alright to drive down the edge.?ÿ When I said this he seemed to lighten up slightly I think because he realized he was talking to a farm kid and not some city slicker.

Anyway, I ended up backing all of the way out of there like I thought I could.?ÿ When I was back on site the following week the farmer had come back over the weekend and stacked half a dozen of those giant square bales in the entrance of that 2-track road to block access.?ÿ ?????ÿ

Posted : November 4, 2022 1:17 pm
Posts: 438

similar story to some of the above except this was costly.?ÿ Using information provided, we staked a weeks worth of seismic data in right section but wrong township.?ÿ The juggies laid out the geophones, the virbrators thumped the ground and the recording crew obtained the data.?ÿ Was a few weeks later I got a call asking where we were.?ÿ I sent the geophysicist the maps the landman provided who said he had ~$500,000 of worthless data.?ÿ Seems some young landman did not share data provided by geophysicist and provided us maps with wrong township for us to stake.


Posted : November 4, 2022 3:00 pm

Posts: 660

When I first started in this business, the company I worked for did a lot of percolation tests, most of them in mountain subdivisions that were typically second homes or cabins for people living in the SF Bay Area. We were hired by a realtor to do the test, which we did. County issued the permits, including the leach field, and the home was built. Owner came up to check it out and was shocked to find that his new home had been built on the adjacent lot. Not sure how that eventually worked out, but as they say "stuff happens."

Posted : November 4, 2022 4:02 pm
Posts: 2194

My great grandfather had a construction and house moving business in Edmonton back in the mid 50's.?ÿ Apparently someone took down the wrong address for a house move (I'm sure it was a whisky related issue) and had the house up moving before the mistake as found out.

Posted : November 4, 2022 9:53 pm
Posts: 2534

@bstrand Last year in the spring a freshly planted hayfield I had seeded in the fall was of course spotty. ?ÿI went by to check it out and see if i needed to sew some more seeds as spring and ground temp was warming up. It is not my property but I lease it. I drive out and it looks like a freaking survey convention going on. I park my F350 and walk out to the center of the field and ask how everyone is doing and who they were surveying for. They said the property over their. I said well any luck finding corners etc (i was doing all I could not to lose it you could already see where they had spun out and rutted up several spots.) They weƒ??re respectfull and all and one of them caught on I had surveyed or was a surveyor. It must have been the t shirt that had surveyor on it. Anyway I asked why they were here. They said they were going to set up gps and locate the back corners and this was the closest opening field. I said look i have a road ?ÿall around the field please drive on that. I have to cut rake ted rake and bale this 3 times a year. And nothing hurts worse than hitting ruts on a tractor. I called the owner and asked how he planned to fix the situation and that his guys were not smart mouths or anything. He said do you want money or what i said i would prefer they show up and i will give them some garden rakes and we will have it smoothed off in a couple hours. He sent them out and i grabbed a few bales of straw and bag of seed and we got it fixed. Some surveyors donƒ??t know they just donƒ??t understand. My LS at another company told us once to use the 4 wheeler to topo a field. I said that we will see. And it had freshly sprouted corn a few inches tall ?ÿ I said no driving and be careful where you step. The farmer had that field for one more season of planting and then it was becoming a money maker for a developer. My LS at the time said but I quoted it for mapping all that with atv. I said you can but i am not. That farmer will be ticked off. He said we work for the owner. I said that farmer by state law has more authority on that field until his lease is over. I knew the farmer and that helped as he knew i would be as careful as possible. And respect his crops . ?ÿHe could have said nope. And we would have had to wait till after harvest. The engineer was not happy as he was wanting to get started on the design work and it was behind the schedule the LS had stated for field work to be completed.?ÿ

Posted : November 5, 2022 6:38 am
Posts: 12001
Posted by: @holy-cow

Me:?ÿ Hello

Client:?ÿ Hey, this is Tony.?ÿ Your guys must have surveyed the wrong place yesterday.

Me:?ÿ I can explain what you saw.?ÿ We had records showing a total of nine survey pins having been set or found in your block.?ÿ Those surveys were conducted in 1960 and 1962.?ÿ Two of those should have been found along your western boundary, the side you can't see through the dense brush next to your house.

Client:?ÿ So where are my stakes?

Me:?ÿ We are still attempting to figure out where they should be.?ÿ Of the nine pins we might have found, we only found two.?ÿ I am going to do some broader searching at the courthouse for surveys a bit further away from your house now in hopes that we can find enough valid existing monuments on which to base your survey.

Client:?ÿ So where are my stakes?

Me:?ÿ Tony, we didn't set anything yesterday because we haven't solved the puzzle yet to know where they should be.

Client:?ÿ Oh.?ÿ Are you coming back today to set my stakes?

Thomas Beckettƒ??s reaction to your story about why the Cathedral Survey is not done:

A3FB9019 1CB8 4003 972B 4FE623E10367
Posted : November 5, 2022 8:24 am