Good Morning Gentlemen,
We are completing a subdivision and are setting the corners and street line monuments. The problem is that some of the monuments fall in paved driveways (P.C and P.T,); the town wants us to dig up the recently paved drive and set the bound. Have any of you come across any alternative that I can present to the town that will satisfy them.
Thank you for any input
PK nail & disk would work around here.
Thats what we set so far........
What part of a concrete monument do you imagine is visible after you pave over it?
A local town that I frequently set monuments for are very happy with Berntsen Markers All you have to do is drill a small hole through the pavement and whale on these!
Do you have a state law that governs what type of monuments must be set at PCs on new subdivisions? We have that in Florida, but the law also makes acceptions for corners that fall on "hard surfaces".
Perhaps making a box cut and digging it out a little, driving a rod below grade (for magnetic signal and a little stability), then pouring in some concrete flush, and topping it off with a PK and Disk, would satisify the city ... sort of a pour in place concrete monument ... seems like a lot of work for the same result. And I can see the owners objecting to making a pothole in their new driveway.
We use a calculated point for all PT's and PC's. They are real easy to set.
Use this drill bit to drill a hole in the concrete.
And set this type of monument.
All of this is avaliable from Bertsen
They also have cordless drills that work for thsi.
No kidding. Heck, no one wants a mon. box in their driveway either.
Bust out a 2-foot diamter hole at least three feet deep. Install a sturdy 12" diameter by 9-feet long or longer hedge post. Add quikrete to smooth the surface and bond the post in place securely. That way all adjoiners will have a proper corner post from which to build their fences.
If the driveways are concrete then Steve's way is the way to go. The drill bit is pricey. Since the concrete is fresh you don't really need a hammer drill, ordinary cordless will work. We epoxy them in rather than use the plastic sleeve that comes with them.
Oh, by the way. I have a large supply of 12" diameter by 9-feet and longer hedge posts available for sale should anyone be interested. Order within the next three days and I will toss in a dozen hedge apples for free.
One of our cities in North Texas has ordinanced a subdivision rule for engineer or surveyor to set street centerlines with monuments. I think the hedge post would have to fitted with a special snap off base!
Can't you ask for a waiver or something?
or tell them they can have coordinates for the PC's and PT's.
I mean, How hard is it to reconstruct the ROW geometry with a few missing PC's and PT's?
I'm pretty sure most of the subdivisions in my area do no not require them as they tend to confuse the property owners, especially if the PC's & PT's are near the property lines.
And don't get me started on putting monuments in the center of the *&%*% road.
On the other hand, if the PC or PT is not within a very few feet of the corner, it won't cause confusion and has a better chance of surviving than a corner.
> On the other hand, if the PC or PT is not within a very few feet of the corner, it won't cause confusion and has a better chance of surviving than a corner.
I guess I understand the concept of PC & PT monuments, but when you retrace a subdivision, you would usually have dozens and dozens of monuments available that are mathematically tied together. Additional monuments on the PC's and PT's just seem redundant unless there are special circumstances.
Cut crosses in the driveway and note them on the plat. If that won't appease them, drill a hole and set a rebar.
Try These
I use these for setting in pavement. They are only 4.5" long though.
Try These
Dublin, gotta be carefull... 4.5" racist marker, set in driveway..... "Cotton Picker's Spindle" (I never thought of them as racist... some attorney on some plat did though!) Maybe he was not educated well...