Does anybody use Leica Smartworks and like it? I'm finding it much more difficult to navigate through than any of the other programs I have run such as Survey Controller, TDS SurveyPro, SMI and Carlson SurvCE. Any advice? Maybe I need to set up more shortcut keys to prevent having to make my way through the labyrinth that constitutes their system of menus?
On the other hand, the performance of the 1205 Robot is superb.
Are you sing the System1200 version of SmartWorx or he new Viva SmartWorx? The menus are a little different between them. I have been using SmartWorx foe the last 8 years. Let me know some of the specific issues you are having and I can help.
Thanks for the offer to help. I believe it's the older one. I'm pretty new to the software, but I want to give it a chance.
One example is that staking a line is not under's under a separate program called "reference line". That's ok....figured it out, but how do I just stake anywhere on the line? It seemed like I had to put in a specific station rather than having a display showing my station and offset.
Also, I do not have the choice for measuring "Sets of Angles" as one of the routines. Is this something I would have to load onto the collector separately that is not part of the basic survey package?
I have a bunch of other questions, but these are a couple that I will probably end up using a lot.
I really like the Leica soft.
It is very versatile but does require more time up front to get up and running.
It does not help matters that the support literature is hard to follow, seems like much gets lost in translation. The Europeans are on their own trip.
I use smartworx quite a bit. I like it as it is really an intelligent program. Once I got used to the way it works, I find it has some really great features.
Anyways, I haven't had need to stake to a line, so I can't help you there.
On the need for sets of angles, the program "sets of angles" is sort of misleading in that it is meant for shooting multiple targets from one set up.
To do multiple angles to the same target, you may want to consider the program "traverse" instead. It is more intended for doubling or turning mulitple sets of angles for control work. The program "sets of angles" is more of a radial survey feature for monitoring several positions from one location.
You are right about the application... Reference Line.
As far as the Stakeout Routine you can orientate to a line while staking a point. There are 10 different ways to orientate while in the Stakeout application with a TPS1200.
Now.. Reference Line.... there are two parts to Reference Line.... one is for telling the application that you want to stake a specific location in reference to a line... This is the Stake to Line option. You create a line and then say .. for example... I want to stake a point that is 10 feet along the line and 5 feet offset to the left of the line. Again, you are telling the application that you want to navigate to a specific point.
You probably want to use the Measure to Line option. In this option you define a line... take a measurement to your prism and then the application will give a report as to the relationship to the line. Say for example you are trying to mark a property line at no specified interval in a wooded area... you can find an open sighting lane and keep measuring until the Delta Offset value is zero and then you are on the line. Now if you job calls for marking the line at a 50.00 ft interval then you would need to use the Stake to Line option so you had the specified point at the 50 ft interval. In both cases be sure to look at the orientation method being used. Select and the the F2 (CONF) key. The orientation method is the first option on the General page of options.
This application also does these same features for arcs and there is a grid staking option for both lines and arcs if you are staking fixed grid on a job.
Clearcut is correct about the Sets of Angles application. It is meant to have a situation where you have multiple targets set and you wind sets between all of them. Its is good for monitoring projects.
I will get back to any other questions if you have them.
Just to make things complicated, Leica has 3 programs to stake out to a line. Each works great for different situations. Reference line is the simplest, it also works great for slope staking. Line Stake lets you enter DXF lines and stake from them, great for parking lots and such. Road Runner is the full on roading software, you can go crazy with it.
Leica seems to have the philosophy that you should not pay for what you are not going to use. The system came with survey, cogo and stakeout but the reset was purchased. This makes sense with the multiple options for programs as previously mentioned but it always pisses me off to have to purchase the basics.
As for sets of angles, it is one of those extras. It works great for turning either single or multiple angles but it will not adjust a traverse. Leica has a program just for that. We use sets of angles to collect our control and boundary data, once the prisms have been shot once gun can scream through them so adding lots of sets is a snap. The resulting network is then processed in the office. For monitoring you can store setup info if you find yourself occupying and tying the same point frequently. It will, for an additional fee, turn angles on a time schedule if you are looking for a cheap continuous monitoring system.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail
Best advice I can offer is install the Carlson SurvCE or MicroSurvey FG software on a data collector and dump the SmartWorx stuff. I have supported surveyors using every type of software there is and without a doubt the Leica software is the most un-user friendly stuff there is IMO.
Smartworx is hard, with a steep learning curve, but it's awesome.
One has to develop a relationship with the old Leica systems. You cannot have a one night stand. 😀
I just started with a new company that uses the Viva Smartworx. In the past I've used Trimble and Carslon SurvCE. I find the learning curve on the Smartworx to be steep. Things are buried within the software. I have to get used to Leica's terminology for things as well. Also, I find the CS15 Data Collector has too many buttons and the buttons themselves are way too small.
I loved the Carlson SurvCE. The Menus were great. The buttons were a nice size. I'll give it a few more months of steady use, after that I don't know what I'll do.
g'day dan.
leica smartworx fan here. definitely get into the shortcut keys. i have assigned all of the common functions we use in our office to various shortcut keys i.e IR-RL, power search, LOCK, ATR, prisms, joystick, laser on/off etc. you have 19 opportunities to assign shortcuts: F7-F2, [shift]F7-[shift]F10 and [user]1-[user]9 so pretty much every regularly used mode/function can be assigned.
i have personally not had any trouble with the logic/layout/operation of any aspect of smartworx, 1200 or viva flavours. i came from using trimble s6 & s8 with the detachable faces and TC2.
as for reading sets, i do it without the 'traverse' or the 'sets of angles' programs, and just let the total station take care of the averages in the field. i have devised the following method using the 'orientate & height transfer' method of setup, with two faces enabled, as follows:
-read backsight FL/FR, and set orientation
-proceed to survey.
-read target 1 FL/FR
-read target 2 FL/FR
-read target n FL/FR
-set is now done in the forward direction.
-go back to setup program and enable 'add points later'
-proceed straight to survey by pressing 'done'
-read target n FR/FL
-read target 2 FR/FL
-read target 1 FR/FL
-now press 'setup' to complete setup
-read backsight FR/FL
all of the points read in the reverse direction will now be updated according to the backsight read in the reverse direction and so will the point averages for points 1 to n. a forward and reverse set read and reduced on-board, in the field. repeat as many times as needed.
I agree. Even the basic programs in Leica Flexline series are quite difficult to comprehend, I have used Topcon, Sokkia and Nikon instruments with ease but when it came to the Leica I got lost in translation :-S
No doubt it's probably the most accurate total station, just not a user-friendly one.
I'd have to agree with you, Dan. If you've migrated from SurvCE to Leica's SmartWorx, you know the difference. SmartWorx seems robust and has the power if you can become familiar with the menu structure. I had to stake a line the other day and after not finding a repetition angle routine, I almost laughed at the thought of trying to search for a stake-to-line routine. The codelist should be able to be ammended globally.
> Does anybody use Leica Smartworks and like it?
Yes, and not really, but:
I switched from Trimble Survey Pro to Trimble Survey Controller in 2004. I swore at how stupid TSC was for a long time. In 2011 I was obliged to switch from TSC to Smartworks. Now I'm swearing at Smartworks and wishing for TSC. I can only surmise that in time I will come to terms with Smartworks. I think the program is okay, it's my way of thinking that isn't in tune.
You have to think like the Swiss.
> You have to think like the Swiss.
It helps, but this Smartworks is an attempt to become more "Americanized" than the Wildsoft of old.
I just hire Europeans.
This is a really interesting thread to me since I am a SmartWorx and Leica fan and I swear by it. I am wondering about all of the posts that are negative are because of the following questions....
1. Did you receive any training from your Leica dealer?
2. Do you use the power of the complete Leica data flow or do you just output ASCII files or the flat and dead ASCII formats such as RW5 and FBK? By the way SmartWorx exports RW5 and FBK?
3. Do you ever ask other SmartWorx users about issues or do you just bang your head against anything you do not understand?
4. Do you ever hire educated field crews or should they just know how to push certain buttons?
You have to remember that Carlson and other software only companies do not have their software tuned especially for the power of the Leica hardware. They try but they just cannot do it because they try to support all hardware.
hello surveythemark,
in my years using and observing others using surveying software and hardware, it is my personal opinion that attitude plays the BIGGEST part in how you perceive the product.
when i got my first PC, programmable calculator, each new total station, etc... i dove head first into them at a million miles an hour, manuals consumed within a few nights. i am determined to learn everything possible that these things could do for ME in my expected applications.
on the flip side, one of our field staff will just whinge that he has just gotten to learn the 1200 flavour of smartworx, and it is a hassle that he has to learn the VIVA smartworx. he will use any excuse to take out the 1200 and leave the VIVA to everyone else. after a year now he is just starting to reluctantly take out the VIVA. it is a mindset that i have trouble comprehending. it is frustrating just to think about it.
Your questions, simple as they are, do not have have simple answers. Or, rather, the reasons behind the answers are complex.
> 1. Did you receive any training from your Leica dealer?
No. I have been able to converse with the salesman and get answers to certain questions but, no, I did not get any formal training. But the equipment was already here when I arrived and both of the surveyors involved in the purchase have left. Long Story. Seems they used up a lot of political capital in the purchase process. I go to the boss for money for CPP subscriptions and run into a wall. Money for training? Hah!
> 2. Do you use the power of the complete Leica data flow or do you just output ASCII files or the flat and dead ASCII formats such as RW5 and FBK? By the way SmartWorx exports RW5 and FBK?
I use LGO to process data, collecting multiple days of data in a single LGO project, and performing adjustments. So I think the answer is yes. But I am the only one in this company who does so. And since I have not received formal training I may not be - how would I know?. I am relying on my experience with SKI from the late '90s and with TGO and StarNet since (no formal training in any of those either).
> 3. Do you ever ask other SmartWorx users about issues or do you just bang your head against anything you do not understand?
I ask my salesman, mostly. He is a good man, but I am certain that I have figured out more about LGO than he knows. In the last couple of months he has been to training on GIS and on Machine Control, but can't even find a schedule for LGO training. LGO isn't sexy enough, I guess. The "help" file on LGO is no help at all as help files usually aren't. And there seems to be no manual of any kind.
> 4. Do you ever hire educated field crews or should they just know how to push certain buttons?
I would gladly hire educated crews. The job market is very tight in the OKC area. We haven't had anyone with Leica specific experience present themselves. Or anyone at all, for that matter.