Today, I was working on a drawing when I noticed that a couple of xref's had shifted. At first, I thought I had accidentally moved the xref's while drafting, but could not fix the problem after several attempts. I tried to detach all the xref's, close the drawing and re-attach the xref's, but still the same problem. If I open one of the previously xref drawings and xref my previous working drawing, it worked fine. I tried to cut and paste my entire drawing to the original coordinates to a new drawing and then xref but still the same problem.
When I was trying to figure out the problem I used the distance command on a check shot and got several hundredths but the two points are visually some 300 feet apart. I ID the same 2 points and they have same coordinates. It appears to be some kind of shift on the xref's.
Help!!!!!!!! I have about 40 hours into this drawing.
Have you tried to list the properties for the xref? Check your units. 8">
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I just noticed the xref dwgs have 3d points and 3d poly's. I have a subdivision boundary dwg with 2d lines and it xrefs fine. I must have changed a setting that affects only drawings at elevation
It sounds like it could be something to do with the UCS? Maybe set UCS to world in both drawings.
It sounds like C3D is holding the vertical values of the xref and placing them in 3-d space.
If you goto file...then options...look for something that says 'replace z value'...or something like that. check that box and it 'flattens' all your lines so that everything is treated 2-d.
I hope that helps.
I fixed it by going to object viewer. While playing with object viewer I turned it to Isometric and the view cube appeared on the top right corner when I clicked it on TOP my drawings lined up again. I need to look at that closer so I understand how it works. I am currently working on a project which needs to be delivered in Civil 3d and have just begin to understand the program. The surface model was the important thing I needed to do in Civil 3d and that went smoothly.
Thanks for the comments
You might check the values of the following variables in both drawings (mainly the incoming drawing) and adjust accordingly:
Check the units in each maybe 1 is i ternational foot vs us survey foot
I run into that alot. The first two things I try are "ucs" world and "plan" world which should set the ucs and wcs to world.