Always pi$$ or puke over the lee rail....
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that term used by our lovely other half.
That one that's sort of dragged out a bit as she speaks.
"R i g h t"
That definitely sticks in my mind.
Surveying has taught me "punk" and "el-ven" mean the same thing.....eleven (11). :smarty:
Picked up a new one yesterday after completing a particularly convoluted project.
"Like wiping cat crap off a wool blanket'.
Summed things up perfectly.
My favorite..
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you...
Second place..
I lack both the patience and the crayons to explain it to you..
Old transit man...Right a C-hair...I was young had no idea what he meant.
I rarely listened to my Dad... what teenager does? but this one stuck with me for a long time. Even though I don't always remember to follow it.
Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
don't crap where you eat
hang around w/ turds and you get sh_t on you
if you snooze you lose
makes sense if you don't think about it
drink upstream of the herd
the grass ain't stopped growing and time ain't stopped ticking so I'm wasting time listening to you
There's more _____ than Carter has pills." (showin' my age there)
He is one of the smarter idiots you'll ever meet.
After jumping around in pride for finding the old monument...
"Why boy, I say Boy...EVEN A BLIND HOG FINDS AN ACCORN EVER' NOW 'N THEN...I say, I say
Heard from the first surveyor that I worked for:
"That boy is like a rat turd, sharp on both ends."
Referring to a muddy forest service road, "Slicker than snot on an onion".
Back when I started surveying, in the days of three and sometimes four man crews the chief encouraged us to think about the days job and make suggestions about the best way to accomplish the task at hand. So once in a while somebody would come up with an idea that wasn't particularly well thought out. The chief would listen patiently then say " we could do it that way, but we're not going to" . There would be the usual "Why"?, and the answer was always "There are two reasons, the second is I say so." The first was never mentioned until we hired a particularly hard-headed rodman who pressed for the first reason. He was promptly told the first reason don't matter.
He's so slow it takes him an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.
If you keep doing that it will turn black and fall off....
That guy is a half bubble off plumb...
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a crayon, cut it with an axe...I use that one almost daily when talking site work construction with supers.
One of my Dad's favorites after a cocky young wanna be (me) asks what difference does it make.... "It's the difference between RIGHT and WRONG!"
Old biker party chief (20+ years ago):
Me: Kenny, I ran out of ribbon, do you have another roll?
Kenny: Ribbon is for little girls hair, surveyors use f***ing flagging!
I always get a kick out of hearing someone else calling flagging ribbon. Kenny was a one of a kind.