@rover83 That is excellent advice.?ÿ I never had to deal with prescriptive rights in the past.?ÿ They have been clear cut through the property with ac...
Look in the Natural Resource Code (Don't know the exact chapter, etc off the top of my head) It is usually defined as a 50' easement centered on the ...
@new-mexico Hey - so did I.
I know someone who just got a house and payed $250 for a survey.?ÿ It was his daughter but he does surveying (not licensed).?ÿ He said they never eve...
Paden, ?ÿ This one is for you.
@rick-taylor?ÿ I went to the Dr. today and she programmed mine to tune out crowds and restaurant noise. I forget what it was but there was something...
There is a plat filed here that is dedicating an easement to the pubic.?ÿ That made me laugh;) ?ÿ
@norman-oklahoma?ÿ Thanks for the advice Norman.?ÿ I will let you know how it goes
They always get mean around Aug/Sept all over.?ÿ If you step on one the others will smell it and pick on you all day.
I read today (Oil City Derrick) that 58% of the deer ticks in Western PA were testing positive for Lymes disease.?ÿ Not good. It was actually yesterd...
I did the J & J with no side effects but it seemed to make me fart 🙂
My neighbor got a Moderna shot and turned into one of those flying monkeys on the Wizard of Oz.?ÿ He never did come back...?ÿ I don't think he has Cov...
I had someone try that 3 times.?ÿ I'm like you a$$hole
AMC Spirit - I should have walked...
Same with phones.
Do like Al Bundy and sell shoes? ?????ÿ