Hi everyone,
I’m really excited to join this community and hope I’m in the right place! I’m looking to learn a lot about surveying, and I could definitely use some guidance from the experts here.
There’s so much I need to understand, so any advice, resources, or tips you can share would mean the world to me.
Thanks in advance for your help, and may the foresight be with us all!
Welcome. You will learn a great deal here if you check in daily to see who is saying what about whatever.
Welcome. You may also learn we can discuss 0.04 ft quite often repeating the same things that were posted 15 years ago.
The 0.04' discussion started due to a post I made many years ago. A fellow surveyor was creating a new tract adjoining mine but longer. He had chosen two of my previously set bars as being perfect and then discovered that this particular bar was off by 0.04 feet. So his new line had a slightly different bearing assigned to it as he shot on past it to set his new property corner monument. If he had chosen that as one of his two "perfect" bars from which to create his new tract, our descriptions would have had identical bearings.
I was also the one who first used the term "PLSSia" to refer to the numerous States using the PLSS system for all or a portion of their survey system. This may have come up initially during ongoing battles with a certain Texan who insisted surveyors in PLSS States have an incredibly simpler task at surveying because we have a "cookbook" to use.
Yay verily, He whom shall not be named... or be banned in to the abyss of time-outland... 😉
I was also the one who first used the term "PLSSia" to refer to the numerous States using the PLSS system for all or a portion of their survey system. This may have come up initially during ongoing battles with a certain Texan who insisted surveyors in PLSS States have an incredibly simpler task at surveying because we have a "cookbook" to use.
You should have trademarked that term. My retirement plan now includes selling bumper stickers that say "PLSSia is my home".
You should have trademarked that term. My retirement plan now includes selling bumper stickers that say "PLSSia is my home".
I plan to run a side hustle selling boundary lines in 0.04' increments.
Hey - if I could purchase rights to using that 0.04' increment (what do we call it? A "haffin"?) I could subdivide property in Hawaii into these square units.
Own your own piece of Paradise! Just One Dollar for Your Very Own Full Square Haffin of Hawaii!! Buy as many as you'd like!! Give them to friends!!!
And I'd be making over $27M / acre....