Latitude (Northing)
Ladd Nelson
Denver Winchester = DW = Deeded Way.....I've got nothing 😛
DMS = Degrees-Minutes-Seconds
not exactly following the rules using my middle initial also.
Have a great weekend.
Licensed Land Surveyor
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
yeh- middle names
my intials are RCS
s'pose that could relate to RC Surveys - said quickly:-X
Drive Way on my cheat sheet.
OK that's really funny "RACH"
RHD = Right Hand Deflection 🙂
JTS = Japanese Total Station
or maybe Junk Total Station?
or Justifiable Transit Survey?
maybe Just Turned Sixteen? no way.
J C=
Drain Manhole
or as my wife would say, A_ _ hole
J C=
> Joe
> Cool
haha...yep that would be a surveyor term...a lot of surveyors I know think of themselves like that.....then again a lot of surveyors I know think of themselves as "Jesus Christ" 😛