I'm in the market to buy a new tripod for my robotic TS.?ÿ (old Trimble 5603)?ÿ I'm considering the Sitepro Salamander which is designed for robotics. http://www.dwsitepro.com/product-details/salamander-robotic-tripod/
However, I've never own a tripod that has a circular head/face.?ÿ ?ÿ(Here's the sheepish part)?ÿ It'll work with standard Wild GDF22 tribrachs, right?
Thanks in advance,
Shirley it will.
Why would you think it wouldn't?
I'm pretty sure I've set up Leica gear before, on circle topped tripods, I just never gave it much thought...
The only thing is the center hole of the tripod head is quite large, and the Leica tribrachs don't have the broadest bases. Together, that may limit how much you can slide the tribrach around to fine center. But I'd expect no real problems.?ÿ?ÿ
Been using SitePro fiberglass dual lock tripod over 10yrs and it is sturdy and in great shape.
The Salamander is the upgrade to what I have and if I needed another would have already ordered.
The SitePro looks like an alternative badge Trimax:
As Mr Harris says, go for the dual clamp. And go for the interleg straps to stop the legs slipping out on slippery floors. In the above setup on concrete, the leg points are in drillholes (note also the twin Yoko's, one holding down the umbrella tripod).
In my experiences...everything I have ever bought made by SitePro has been complete garbage. This brand is a Chinese knock off that uses very cheap components. For what it is worth...I flat out refuse to purchase any gear that SitePro makes. Saving a few dollars is simply not worth lugging around equipment that will fail and not provide the results and reliability professional surveyors need.?ÿ
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
You might want to check out Dutch Hill tripods. I started using them some 25 yrs. ago, and wouldn't bother trying out another type if I needed to replace or add to my collection. They use a single SS band with an adjustable plastic toggle for clamping, and I've never had an issue with them. My older one has an aluminum head shaped similar to a tribrach base and the other newer one has a round head the same size as you describe. Both work fine with my Leica tribrach (or any other) as they all seem to be interchangeable. I believe both are the GT-2000 series.
You might want to check out Dutch Hill tripods. I started using them some 25 yrs. ago, and wouldn't bother trying out another type if I needed to replace or add to my collection. They use a single SS band with an adjustable plastic toggle for clamping, and I've never had an issue with them. My older one has an aluminum head shaped similar to a tribrach base and the other newer one has a round head the same size as you describe. Both work fine with my Leica tribrach (or any other) as they all seem to be interchangeable. I believe both are the GT-2000 series.
I believe I have an old Dutch Hill in the garage.?ÿ It would be free to anybody that would care to pay for the shipping.?ÿ?ÿ
Ya gotta ask. ?ÿThat??s why we??re all here. ??? ???
True, Paul. However, I've notice that, at times, the natives on this site can turn blood thirsty with sarcasm ... and then they just create more heat than light.
You have to remember we’re all Surveyors, sift through the BS and have a thick skin. Good Luck ???
Some days it takes a little snark reply to bring out the real reason the discussion is truly about.
As a Marine, thick skin is standard issue. ???