Last seen: January 1, 2025 4:39 pm
Congratulations on the new digs! All good here on Hawai’i Island. 🤙 🌋
I haven’t been here in a while, sounds like you’re no longer in Oregon!? Where are you now?
I was ready for a change when I went in to the office. I felt rejuvenated like starting a new career. Learning to run a computer and processing data f...
Lots of great tips here, I’ll just say that, you will be amazed at how long flagging tied on barbed/hog wire will stay attached, just the knot. Keep ...
Go with Dan Berg, he knows what he’s doing. In Hilo 🤙
Great photo!
I see we joined this crew in the same year. Your handle rings a bell, I’ve been retired since 2012. And glad I did.
Glad to hear that you’re able to be with us again. Take your time! You know that we are all pulling for you!
Son of a B h! That’s terrible, I hope he’s doing better 🙏🤞.
Great SNL segment! This is more to my liking these days. 🤙🏝️🌋 Aloha
I remember one of those in Lake Chelan , Wa. , way back in the day.
Good one! 👍
Lloyd was a great guy, I had good times with him sailing on the Columbia River. Back in the day, he helped me transition from the field to the office....