I??ve been computing things on my 1922+/- calculating machine which is working great after a couple of applications of sewing machine oil.
I??m still pretty bad at generating organic pasture raised gluten free numbers. Now I know why my early bosses admired people who kept their head down at work, it took that sort of concentration to avoid errors. I??m still having to hunt down my mistakes with my hp calculator.
The sin/cos tables go up to 45?ø on the top of the page and 90?ø on the bottom of the page, it goes that way until 360?ø. The same numbers apply to several different angles and cos X=(sin 90-X) so there??s opportunity to reduce the number of pages. So sometimes you are reading up and sometimes you are reading down. If you are in the right side of the page your eye is attracted to the seconds coming down when you are supposed to read the seconds going up on the left.
I did learn a cool thing accidentally, find the cosine of a bearing then look that up in the sine table to get the bearing in one of the adjoining quadrants at 90?ø. With calculators I just punch in numbers without really thinking that cosine and sine are flipped on a 90?ø bearing.
We have reams of the old calculations. What those classic surveyors did with so few mistakes is amazing but they had a lot more practice.

I like running traverse and lot closures with HP15 because it??s so easy.?ÿ
using toward azimuth not bearings. Enter distance and azimuth, use the P/R (polar to rectangular) button. That returns latitude and departure. The simply use statistics button to sum the titans X and Y.?ÿ
agsin using P/R button, and simply adding latitudes and departures returns N and E. It??s great.?ÿ
I like running traverse and lot closures with HP15 because it??s so easy.?ÿ
using toward azimuth not bearings. Enter distance and azimuth, use the P/R (polar to rectangular) button. That returns latitude and departure. The simply use statistics button to sum the titans X and Y.?ÿ
agsin using P/R button, and simply adding latitudes and departures returns N and E. It??s great.?ÿ
Yes I often run calculations on an hp emulator on my iPhone. Never thought of summing in the statistics registers.
I also did a Section and the centerlines from an old R/S only using log tables and paper and pencil. I would??ve got it if I didn??t have a tendency to transpose 6 & 3 when transferring numbers.
The mechanical calculator can compute lat or dep and add it to the last coordinate in one step. You don??t get the lat or departure though, only the coordinate value. If it??s a negative then multiple in reverse, it??ll subtract. Brunsviga made a double pinwheel calculator specifically intended to run up 2D coordinates for German artillerymen but it could be used in surveying too. There is a switch to make the 2 machines run in opposite directions where you have a minus and plus, for example. It is handcrank, great for field use except it probably weighs 30+ lb.s
For years I made almost no application of the stats reg. And took a long time to recognize how useful the P/R button is. Azimuth enter distance P/R, lat dep one button. Then I realized the sums of X Y was easy tally of N E. Not even a program.?ÿ
I have a really good COGO program for HP41. And that was pure gold in my 1994 LS exam.?ÿ
@larry-scott the 41 was one of the toughest and best calculators ever. I could keep two linker rods going and comps from vertical curves and straight grades computing design elevations and the elevation rods. So many bluetops i wish i had a nickel for every one i set.
Back in the day: coord printout, T2 with AGA EDM. The plans annotated with point numbers.
And HP41. Layout a bridge, a tilt up, miles of center line. Yeah, the good old days.?ÿ
@larry-scott I wish i could build a new 41. It just lasted. The hp48gx had more processing power and a graphic screen but no way it was built to last like the 41 . I can still remember the red dash running across the screen. If i was allowed to take the fs exam with one that is what i would have taken. Not allowed now days. The hp35s is decent but they kinda moved stuff around and the rpn functions can??t be done with less key strokes like on the old 41.
i41cx iOS emulator for iPhone is very nice. I have several 41s, and 15. I just bought a 42.
I never figured out 48. Didn??t have the need.
A lot of 41s died due to batt terminal corrosion. Fortunately I found a vendor selling replacement terminal printed circuits and saved 2 41s from the display cabinet.
My 15 that I had since 1980 started to fail about 2 yrs ago. And I found a pristine 15 online. So I??m set.
I still write routines for them.
if you loved 41 I highly recommend the smartphone emulator i41CX+. Apple iOS.
There are Android 41 emulators but I haven??t used them. The iOS i41CX+ is fantastic. And it has a printer. Also programs can be emailed and one click installed.
As for true classical calcs, my favorite textbook these days is by Royal Engineers 1925; ordnance survey officer??s textbook. It??s verbose formulary (heavy with logs) is a great way to recover from being a software junkie.
I have an excel spreadsheet for solar azimuth and the 1925 Brit textbook is a great read and resource. No shortcuts, geodetic focused. Including examples from very large area control surveys in the colonies.?ÿ
As for true classical calcs, my favorite textbook these days is by Royal Engineers 1925; ordnance survey officer??s textbook. It??s verbose formulary (heavy with logs) is a great way to recover from being a software junkie.
I have an excel spreadsheet for solar azimuth and the 1925 Brit textbook is a great read and resource. No shortcuts, geodetic focused. Including examples from very large area control surveys in the colonies.?ÿ
the book of logarithmic trig functions I found has prefaces written by Englishmen, different lingo. Lots of examples. Since they are nearest second I don??t really need the more advanced interpolating capabilities. They also have a bunch of spherical trig and ship navigating examples.
@larry-scott the 41 was one of the toughest and best calculators ever. I could keep two linker rods going and comps from vertical curves and straight grades computing design elevations and the elevation rods. So many bluetops i wish i had a nickel for every one i set.
due to inflation I suggest a dime or maybe even a quarter.
@larry-scott i will be getting my daughter to load that on my phone lol. I get to frustrated navigating that darm App Store. I use my phone a lot but its reading here and a ag forum and taking pictures of cows and calves. I have a weather app a app my wife installed so i can keep up with my farm account her and my daughters and son they all have all sorts of apps. When the older kids come the younger kids like to catch me sleeping and take some picture of me and place all sorts of app stuff on it. I honestly have about reached my limit with smart phones. I love that i can have the wife down load pod cast and such. But nothing better than walking the farm and knowing no one can call or text. This forum and ag forum and a truck forum have been the best thing i have found on internet. People helping through them. This is the good of the internet. Some things are just crazy ????
Beware: There are more than one emulator! You want i41CX+ by Antonio Lagata.
I have the genuine hp15c emulator on my work phone. $15.
I have the RLM tools 11c emulator which I like better except I discovered it sometimes miss converts small angles dms to dd by a small amount. The hp version works correctly.
Computers have trouble converting certain numbers back to base 10. I??ve encountered this in Excel too. There are YouTube videos for programmers on this topic. A simple example is 1/3 in base 3 is perfect versus base 10 it is 0.3333333??..
using toward azimuth not bearings.
Azimuths rule!
I had an apprentice on the crew and he was working an assignment of practice questions. He was totally confused. While driving to office I asked if can figure an azimuth from bearings. And he was ok with that. Calculator and clipboard and azimuths ?ÿ
ok. Now replace azimuths for the bearings and try again.
He was so jazzed. ??I get it!!? ?ÿ
So many bluetops i wish i had a nickel for every one i set.
Where did you set all those bluetops at? I set many wood stakes through caprock in south Florida. Loved them overhead sledgehammer swings with a bull pin!
Unfortunately the new guy usually can??t deal with an 8 lb windmill swing. Slows the whole process down. So the PC on hammer and new guy on gun.?ÿ
I still use a calculator (Emu48) to check my linear error when I turn angle sets to short foresights. I'm not ruled by HA tolerances set in a DC.