Has anyone successfully translated/rotated a DXF to found points in the field on Trimble Access? This was my standard procedure on Carlson for rotating/translating DXF plan linework to found monuments, and then being able to stakeout the other plan corners by selecting the DXF endpoints. But on Trimble I am not seeing how to do this... Does anyone know if this is possible on Access? Thanks
Not sure what version of Access you are running but it has been available for awhile now. COGO/Adjust/Georeference Map.
Also if the DXF coordinates number differ markedly from the Job coordinates, Access will offer automatically to Georeference.
The quick and dirty way to reset a georeference is to delete the matching .dxfw world file.
@bouchett I wish this or some other method was available in Access 2017
@dave-o Before I this was an option I always just translated/rotated calc points. Not quite as convenient as a DXF but you can accomplish the same thing.
@bouchett well that makes sense why I couldn't figure out how to do it... apparently it was an update in 2022 access, and we are running 2021... and yes that is our current workaround is just to create calc points and move those, but not nearly as clean/simple as a DXF in my opinion
Before I this was an option I always just translated/rotated calc points. Not quite as convenient as a DXF but you can accomplish the same thing.
@bouchett Can you describe this a little more for me? Are you talking about COGO->Transformations->Rotate/Scale/Translate points? and applying that to just your initial calced or keyed in record corner points?
- @dave-o Correct, just fitting calculated points onto found points in the field using the Transformation routine. Usually used for boundary work or non-critical staking tasks.
You might want to migrate to using dwg instead. In civil 3D 2024, dxf (the file format before dwg came about) is discontinued and will only be read only if opened.
DXF's dead? I'm not holding my breath.
And isnt LandXML - an open standard - a better step forward than DWG - proprietary? Why enslave yourself?
FlameSuit(On) 🙂
@robertusa why must they kill the old reliable dxf... if it ain't broke don't fix it!