Hey All,
I was wondering if there was a way to link photos into a cad drawing that I take with a TSC7. When the photo is take it is generally just linked to the job data. The dc has gps in it and the geocached data does show the lat/lon in the properties of the photo.
So it can be done but I have no idea how. I made a custom report in TBC that placed all those photos on a document. Then I made a copy of the geotagged photos and placed them along with the report into a folder and the cad tech had some way of doing this. My photos were attached to the point so he knew which point to associate them with. I also would export a kml/kmz file as well of points photos from TBC for field crew to have help orient to site to find control or whatever. I am trying to figure out the same thing you are but with Carlson civil survey on autocad now. So this discussion is a good one maybe someone will have figured it out.
try this though export a dwg including the points and media files from TBC and open in civil 3d. Select the point and look at the properties in civil and re path the linked path for the photo. The path might be wrong but I think you can edit it to correct. I saw a discussion on this not long ago. It didn’t work for Carlson civil survey and I don’t have civil 3d to try.
@olemanriver We are using Carlson Survey Emedded 2024. I think my office manager is looking for a way to show the location and direction in which the photo was taken, and have it reference a photo name. Client is looking for photos in multiple directions every 20 feet of so over a large area.
@observer28 I had a project for USACE where every control point and property corner needed pics looking north east west south ne se sw nw and a direct down shot. For sake of time we used an app called Solocator on iPhones. It shows lat long has a compass display on image for directions and geotagged along with two fields to name and right a brief description. Wow every 20ft. I think I would get one of those 360 degree cameras and it has a rough gps position and just walk it and process it in the office for what you needed.
That's a pretty good idea too.
@observer28 let me know if that exporting a dwg of points and media file works. I would just select a few points along with the media file in tbc and test before doing a large group. As my brain is somewhat starting to work again it seems that civil 3d reads that media file as an attribute or hyperlink. I want to say I read it on the autodesk forum. I have never been able to test it in civil 3d though. It is on my list of to do’s to figure out how Carlson handles pictures. I have read that if it was a Carlson data collector that it’s seamless but we run Trimble in field tbc in office and draft with Carlson. There has to be a way. Maybe a xml export to civil 3d or whatever. My issue is not a high priority as of now yet. Because I made the work around report in tbc which allows the LS to see all information in a pdf with point info pics etc. I have just about refined that part to the bosses liking. Good luck keep us posted if you figure out a way.
Might be worth noting that for a TSC7 geotagging of images is off by default.
The setting is controlled on the Media file form of the Job properties