My mother-in-law is coming up on 97-years-old, and lives in an independent living place called Bridgecreek in West Covina, California. For years we have provided her with a desktop computer so she can keep up with the news on line, and e-mails from friends. Her last computer got so infected it crashed and we gave up on it. The problem is she opens just about anything sent to her and in comes the virus. She isn't computer savvy enough to run virus scans or keep the protection up to date.
So, for her birthday we are thinking of getting her a tablet of some sort. It has to have a real keyboard and be simple to operate. Remember, just for news of the world and e-mails. Do you have any recommendations? Think in terms of 97, but still pretty sharp. Bridgecreek does not have WiFi, but it does have cable internet.
Maybe an iPad with an additional keyboard, Surface, or...
I would suggest an IPad. My wife just got a surphace pro 3 which is a pretty awesome machine. However, the ability of virus infections are significantly higher with a Microsoft devise. I have a mini IPad and love it. Easy to transport and light weight. If you were to get a Bluetooth keyboard (although small) I think it would work well. Get her a wireless router to make it connect to wifi and she would be up and running easy.
One heck of a trade!
It is fantastic that anyone at age 97 has any computer savvy plus the general willingness to actually attempt to use such new-fangled gadgets. My 87 year-old father-in-law has enough trouble with a TV remote and a cell phone.
Big keys and big words would be critical for me at that age when visibility and agility are getting more limited daily.
Good luck, and may she still be using it when the five-year warranty expires.
I would say ipad for ease of use, but without wifi, you'd have to get her a data plan as well. I don't think you can plug one into a cable style internet connection. (anyone know differently??)
The Ipad is a closed system that is nearly virus proof. They make cases with a built in keyboard. I bet your mother-in-law would love it.
Problem is, just about any tablet is going to need WiFi. As far as I know, none of them have ethernet ports. Have you considered buying her a WiFi router, or would that not be an option for her living arrangements?
Yes, we will buy her a WiFi router, or something similar.
I especially want to thank everyone for their help with this. I knew you guys would provide some guidance.
Or another option would be to get a Chromebook, which runs a google OS. You can get them pretty cheap.
I was just talking to my wife about a Chromebook for mom. We bought the grandkids Chromebooks last year. It is full size, rugged, regular keyboard, easy to use. Good thought.
If you get a wireless router for the lady, be sure to install a password or her connection will be shared by everyone and his brother for streaming free videos. Depending on the operating system you choose for her, most anti-virus packages offer an automatic updating service on a subscription basis that you can pay yourself to keep her machine virus-free.
That way, you can tend to the details that she needn't bother with ...
Yup. I know the more recent ones come with a decent unique password instead of the ubiquitous "password." On a whim I looked at local WiFi connections my computer was picking up, and there is my neighbor's, wide open.
My mother-in-law turned 98 in April. She uses an iPad with a keyboard. She loves it. Uses it for email, surfing the web, and she is even on FB.
You pretty much can't beat an iPad for security and stability. Just keep in mind it doesn't do Java and Flash if she has any favorite websites that use those. I pretty much exclusively use this iPad. If you have an iOS device then you can do FaceTime with her (or skype).
I got my daughter a Chromebook on sale for 40% the cost of an iPad but it can't do Skype, it is pretty much just a browser device. It has a keyboard, it's pretty impressive for the price. I think the Chromebook is very secure, way better than Windows.
I buy my MIL Pritor & Simvastatin tablets every month....:-)