In another thread I mentioned working with another firm that will be collecting data on a project.?ÿ I asked them to configure their DCs to do RTK & Logging, hoping to get raw observation data.?ÿ The test they did produced T02 files, but when I bring them into TBC all I get is points, no vectors.?ÿ The occupation times between base and rover seem to overlap, and when I convert to RINEX I see what appears to be normal SV observation data.
The image shows the TBC file check-in screen, which does indicate that it correctly separated the observations from the roving segments.?ÿ But what do I have to do to get TBC to recognize these as vectors?
Did they collect them in the DC or the receiver? I only collect those files in the DC.
Did you import both the base and rover .T02 files? Makes no difference if they are stored on the DC or receiver, just much faster to download off the DC. The vectors should show up in your project flowing from the base to the rovers point shots automatically which you would then ??select all?? and under the Survey tab, hit Process Baselines. A report should follow on the residuals for each of the vectors. You could also import CORS data as well to get multiple vectors to the rover??s data in addition to the base. Hope that helps some.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
When you're setting up the job in Access, you can select store as points or vector.
If they didn't select vectors you won't have them. At least one time I've done that, but they might have updated the code in the newest version because that was stupid option to allow me to select that one time.
Look into the version of Access and then?ÿ see if they are hidden in there as a subordinate file in the directory where you routinely store the data or the default.?ÿ
Hard to tell what exactly you are asking. Are you wanting vectors in TBC for the RTK rover points?
Were the rover points simple topography points or fine point locations?
In TA under topo point survey style setup there??s an option to store as point or vector.?ÿ
or were you wanting RTK + logging for the river too? You can start RTK + logging for the base but just RTK on the rover for instance.?ÿ
Did they collect them in the DC or the receiver? I only collect those files in the DC.
I think the bases (there were 2 base sessions) were stored in the receiver, and the rover shots in the DC.
Did you import both the base and rover .T02 files?
Yep.?ÿ And I have both base and rover points showing up, but no vectors between them like I expected (and wanted).
When you're setting up the job in Access, you can select store as points or vector.
I'm pretty sure they're still using Survey Controller, but I'll check.
Hard to tell what exactly you are asking. Are you wanting vectors in TBC for the RTK rover points?
I want raw observation data for both base and rover so I can process the vectors myself.?ÿ I don't need RTK, but these guys are used to doing RTK, not static, so I thought collecting in an RTK style would be easiest.
or were you wanting RTK + logging for the river too?
Send me your files and I will give them a look, if you comfortable with that. I will send my email address to you.
I attached them to a private message.
I've always had issues with these files if I have the receiver set as the collection device at the rover. However, if the DC is collecting the rover files this always works better.
You have the DC file sent to you then? It should work seemlessly, did you try and check the boxes on import that show empty??ÿ
Finally TBC has been known to be quirky, I did have a file like this with no vectors and didn't see any till I hit the process baseline button and they showed up. That was some years ago (maybe it was TGO), but it's worth a try.?ÿ
I've attached the T02 files (zipped) here in case anyone else would like to take a crack at them.
In a diagnostic attempt, I took one of the rover RINEX files and parsed out one of the 5-minute occupations, saving it as a new RINEX file.?ÿ When I imported that along with the base T02, it came in as a vector and processed as expected.?ÿ If push comes to shove I can write a utility to do this for all the occupations, but it seems to me that there ought to be a way to configure TBC to bring in the observations as vectors, since it already recognizes which segments are roving and which are occupations.
@jim-frame Did the crew have a base running at the same time? That observation file would allow the creation of the vectors.
@jim-frame Sent TBC file with vectors to a CORS site via private message.
As others have pointed out, you just need base data. I got the data to process by importing a few local CORS.
The data look pretty solid to me. Minimally constrained adjustment yields pretty good comparison values to the other two CORs...vertical is a little wonky but nothing outside the ordinary. Constrained adjustment is pretty tight, reference factor is ~0.5. The solution is pretty quick & dirty but I don't see immediately see anything I would kick out.
The last step (for me) would be to import the RTK vectors via the JXL file (don't forget the base station), merge all the points & vectors, then run a final network adjustment incorporating both RTK and PPK vectors. Might need to massage things depending on what you want to hold (base station or CORS, OPUS solution, etc.) but I think you have good data.
I get similar results with CORS.?ÿ What I'm not understanding is why TBC will process from CORS to the local points, but not show the vectors between the local points.?ÿ There are 2 each 20-ish minute occupations at Point 1 (designated 1 and 1A), and each overlaps the 5-minute occupations of 3 other local points, yet those local vectors don't show up.
(Thanks to R S Mayer and Rover83 for checking this out!)
I'm making progress on two fronts:
1.?ÿ Dan the Man is going out again today to collect additional test data, this time (I think) logging normal static data instead of RTK.
2.?ÿ I found that if I parse the roving data out of the base RINEX files, the rover T02 files produce the desired local vectors.?ÿ I wasn't looking forward to manipulating a whole slew of RINEX rover files, but if I only have to monkey with the base files I can live with that.
@jim-frame I think you would also need the Access . Job file that goes with the T02 files to coincide with the marks in the observation file.?ÿ
Long time listener, first time caller, and created an account just so I could join the fun.
(Sorry if these comments are redundant, but I didn??t read your other 5,000+ posts to get a feel for how well versed you are with Trimble products.)
First impressions of the issues cited, the data you posted, and others' comments:
The .T02 files do seem to have the session metadata associated with the observations, but they don??t appear to contain actual observation data when initially imported into TBC. The ??Time-Based View? and the ??Session Editor? don??t display anything, as though there is no data. Which is odd, because I too can export them out to a RINEX file, so there is some data present.
Also of note, they appear to only contain GPS & GLONASS constellation tracking (not full GNSS), which could indicate a few things??
The way in which these files were logged and/or transferred could be part of the issue.
Depending on the mix of hardware, software, firmware and Survey Style settings for Trimble products being used, it may/does matter where the .T02 files are logged (receiver/data collector).
In my experience, it is always better to log raw data to the receiver. If you ever had a glitch in the data link between the receiver and the data collector, you may lose, corrupt, or just not log the data. Not a huge problem when we used cables for everything, but with Bluetooth, wi-fi, etc. it??s a matter of when, not if. (user error, gremlins, mis-aligned COM settings, etc.)
Plus, you must log the base files to the receiver, unless you have an additional data collector to leave at the base all day.
Earlier versions of Access (assuming they are using Trimble Access) would not/could not store full GNSS data to the data collector, and similarly, some broadcast formats could not support all the metadata for full GNSS RTK correction(s), etc. If it??s all Trimble gear, hopefully they are using the newer CMRx broadcast message, or RTCM 3.2 (MSM) broadcast message. (I know you said you weren??t interested in RTK.)
When they configure the Survey Style in the data collector and set the Survey Type to ??RTK & logging?, Access will store RTK measurements as vectors by default for the RTK measurements in the data collector. (Also, you cannot use the ??Tilt? feature when using ??RTK & Logging? Survey Type on R10's.)
They do need to turn on (check the box) for the various GNSS Signal Tracking they wish to log.
As long as the Base Options and Rover Options are both set to ??RTK & logging? and observations are logged to each receiver, the .T02 files will contain everything that is required by TBC to import properly as a ??baseline?, and then can be post-processed. All of the point observation information (including feature code, but not the Description 1 field, nor the Description 2 field) is encoded into each ??stop and go? observation session within the .T02 file (assuming there is a continuous file for multiple rover shots) so you don??t need any .job file from the data collector to complete your post-processing.
We have the wi-fi mode of our receivers set up as ??Client? (each head has a static ip address), and you can access each head from any workstation on the local network from any web browser. We find that to be a nice feature; easy to see everything, full control of the receiver at your fingertips (for admin users), direct file transfer (no converting or exporting) and really fast downloads, no matter how large the data set.
We log data at the base and rover for all GNSS surveys, and post process the stop & go (post-processed kinematic) vectors to be used with the RTK vectors as a check, etc. Often times the PPK vectors resolve better than the RTK vectors.
I??ve included a Trimble .sty (Survey Style) that we??ve developed for data collection on the TSC3 for the scenario outlined above.
The .job file will contain the RTK information, the "base" .T02 file will be a single large static observation, and the "rover" .T02 file will contain roving segments and stop & go observations (very short static, aka ppk).
If the data is collected, logged, downloaded, and imported properly, then TBC should not have any problem.
Trying to parse base/rover observations out of a Trimble native .T02 format into seperate RINEX files sounds like an exercise in self punishment.
Hope some of this helps...?ÿCheers!
I believe I found the solution.
The Rover2A & Rover2-B files contain the static base data but they were collected as stop & go data. To change this in TBC click on the import command icon. In the Import window click on the ... icon to point to your folder with the T02 files.
Now, at the bottom of the import window click on settings, then click Force Static to turn it on. Now you can import the 2A & 2B files as static data.
Now turn Force Static off, then import your 4A & 4B files. You should have vectors between Point 1 and the other points.
I ran this twice and it worked on my end.
PM me if it doesn't work for you.
Earlier versions of Access (assuming they are using Trimble Access) would not/could not store full GNSS data to the data collector
I have felt that pain. It really sucked.
I'm glad they improved the software.
And that was the most righteous post of a technical support type nature I've seen all day. You're the man!!! Or Woman!!!
Either way....
