I might have one stashed away I will check tonight.
email me the file and I can convert it.
I agree that the Viva software is hard to master and the menus are non-intuitive even with the favorite button. I have had the opportunity to train fi...
This is rampant in the State of Florida how can one Company with one PSM cover so many Counties? Boundary surveys for $250-325 flood certificates for ...
Yes this is one receiver, one antenna , one base radio and one rover radio with one pellican case. I think I can find the dongle for software on one o...
Yes everything is fully functional has the option for base or rover installed. I have not used the radios in a while but, they both worked last time I...
Disney Land is all blurred out but many airports are not that's unusual.
From what I remember you have to set the out module to RS-232C this wil allow two way comunication with the level.
Cantact Jeffery Cooner at Cooner and Assoc. He has a great deal of experience in determining OHW lines in Florida.
We recently retired the verizon MiFi's in favor of the internal modem. It has been performing well. At&T was the only carrier in our area but the ...
From the file menu the Reports you can run a "Project Computation Report" which will give you everything you need.
Look in the "Trimble Data" folder> Well, without the correct cable to config the receiver I tried to log a static file to the DC. I found the optio...
The native file in the unit will have the extention *.T01 when you download the file using trimble data transfer program it will convert it to a *.dat...
Here is a picture of the battery. I might be willing to part with the card make me an offer.
Byron, although the box is grayed out, the elevations will be present in the shapefile, I just tested it again.