Use a portable drill with 1/8" dia. Masonry bit. Then drill a hole 3/4" deep, set your standard brass disc in this hole with a rivet gun. Works well, ...
The town of Windsor is just north of santa rosa in Northern California . It specifically incorporated as a town. Check the appropriate filing for your...
I always review and often perform chain of title searches for my own jobs as well as when working for a title company. Most title officers have only ...
Not searching for title is a missed opportunity to expand your business. Ever heard of a title school?
Tough to prove open and notorious when a pipe is underground 3-5 feet. City is doing the correct action, they need to either move the pipeline or crea...
Sometimes we're talking more about english and its proper use than we are surveying. I believe this is one of those cases.
Ditto the SSI. Great detector.
Best of luck Jeff. Did you use any if the CLSA study materials?
when was this appealed? Oscar has been dead for over 20 years
Duane, i don't think Estoppel has anything to do with what you have stated. Perhaps you're thinking of "after acquired title interest"?
If it us still owned by the gov't . Otherwise , if private, the contrary may be shown ( by area, or mid point if specified)
Take a look at eBillity quickbooks in the app store
An amazing app, a great way to document photos for court. X, y, z, lat, long, time, tilt, az, and notes to boot. Best value out there!
Get an i phone, then the app " theodolite" a great tool for documenting photos.
Significant figures, I believe your 125 feet is the same as 125.25'
A Benson syndicate surveyor in training?
PCSurvey is pretty good for the money, very intuitive.
With "tacking" The years of AP by a previous owner is not lost.
Got it done, here is what I did.1)Turn off units and put in deep sleep.2) Remove antennae3) Take out four hex screws from rear of unit, remove rear pa...