If it were painted yellow, it would scream "Yellow Submarine"!
go back and edit, you might still have time!
The way the Florida statute is worded, only one signature and seal is required for a set. I understand what the others are saying about signing and s...
I really like American Surveyor!I like the historical subjects mostly. Also, educational stuff can be interesting so long as it is practical for the ...
Loyal> Maybe you guys are gonna have to do it like some of us did, years ago? Chain and transit!Heck with that! Lightsquared be damned if they ar...
Feral pigs do it better! 😀
Good Grief Charlie Brown! I wish I had those 0.02' problems!
Good luck in your search, however, it is SLOW in Florida, or at least in my neck of the woods.
Definitely looks like the size can be reduced some.By the way, Holz = Wood in German, hausen (verb) = to dwell. So Holz Hausen could mean Wood Dwelli...
All this time, I was wondering why doesn't the FCC just trade the spectrum Lightsquared has now for a more viable range so they can build the service ...
The new and improved Death Star, which boasts an over-the-top sea-blue paint job, takes aim at Deral Paulk's Harley.
FL/GA & Dave....They used to ride the lightning on Old Sparky here in Florida, but now I think they use Lethal injection. Don't quite remember th...
Is the corner lot a square or angled corner, or a curve? The "Front" side is more than likely associated with the street address.
Glad they won! Can't say I am a fan of Basketball, but knowing the back story through excessive media coverage, I am glad that the 3 amigos (Lebron, ...
Good story! Am sure there were teary eyes, but at least some laughs can be had even with heavy hearts.
It's not from eHarmony. Reading a comment, that at 2:19 you can hear the cameraman snicker a little. Looks like a fake, and another attempt to get a...
That's a stretch. The author of that video used various fonts for their take on the idea.
THERE'S NO CRYING IN SURVEYING!...so that would be a no
😀 :good: :beer:
Sham-wow spokesman?!Seriously though, good luck with your future endeavors!