Anyone having problems getting them back? I submitted a file from yesterday and nothing, no errors, just no news. This is the second time it's happened.
I sent the same file to OPUS-RS and it bounced immediately due to being too long.
No OPUS Problem Over The Weekend
Had OPUS and OPUS-RS files come back in typical OPUS fast time.
But Monday of last week was the pits.
Paul in PA
No OPUS Problem Over The Weekend
it worked fine for me last mon and tuesday, and then again on friday...
I eventually got it. I guess I was spoiled by the less than a minute response I typically get. 🙂
We submitted to OPUS yesterday late afternoon & received it back around 4:30 this morning. Seeing the same thing you are.
Has anyone else tried the BETA of OPUS NAD83(2011)? I'm getting great Lat, Long and State Plane, but my orthometric heights are not close.
Using it a LOT right now!
The heights WILL be different for several reasons, among them:
1. Use of ABSOLUTE Antenna Calibration Models as opposed to RELATIVE
Calibration Models.
2. Better CORS Coordinate estimates (especially in the vertical) thanks to the MULTIYEAR Solution.
3. Newer tropospheric, ocean tidal loading, atmospheric loading, photon loading, etc. etc. models factor in to some extent.
4. The “Phantom” NAD83 Vertical Velocities in HTDP can amount to a centimer or more between Epoch 2002 & Epoch 2010. These vertical velocities are not “real” but are in fact an artifact of the 14 parameter transformation from ITRF1996 thru to ITRF2008. So they are REAL in the global (ITRF) sense, but not necessarily real in the NAD83 sense. (which probably makes no sense to most folks).
Edit...Oh yeah...and ACTUAL (un-modeled) Vertical movement in some parts of CONUS as well!
5. NAD83(2011) is an direct identity function from NAD83(CORS96), so the evolution of SCALE between the various ITRF Datums/Realizations (1996 to 2008) has some effect (see above).
I think that the Antenna Calibration model change is the biggest part of this, but everything makes a contribution of some sort (some offsetting others I'm sure).
I suspect that GEOID12 (which is planned for next year) will clean some of this up.
NAD83 is on its last legs (and over-the hill), but it IS THE NSRS Datum for the next 10 years or so (warts and all).
Not close to what? Published NAVD88 values?
OPUS BETA's vertical is not close to differential leveling, current OPUS solutions & published passive points. Between 2 published NGS monuments, differential leveling I have 0.413'(digital level), published I have 0.4', OPUS i have 0.387'(current), but OPUS BETA I have 0.17' with a residual of less than 0.10'. I still have 2 more passive monuments to process but BETA's vertical isn't agreeing with current OPUS solutions. Both are using Geoid 09 as well.