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leica viva --- dbx files

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Posts: 176
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Quick question for leica viva users. I'm still trying to figure out the data storage.
Every so often I like to clean out the data on the inst. If I cut & paste a dbx file from the ts to my cpu and delete the job on the ts is there a way to replace the job on the ts? I just noticed that if I replace the dbx file back to its original
location on the ts the (dbx file folder) there is no job to be found?????:pissed:

Posted : July 9, 2014 11:31 am
Posts: 1004

In the DBX folder there is folder for each job that contains many files.
This is the job raw data. I don't think there is a dbx file but maybe I'm wrong.

Posted : July 9, 2014 11:34 am
Posts: 7610

IN VIVA the raw data isn't a file like it is with most manufacturers. It is the entire directory.

Posted : July 9, 2014 11:48 am
Posts: 121

Go to User---tools and utilities---transfer user objects---object to transfer---job then check the box for transfer all user objects.

This will transfer all your jobs onto your USB drive or SD card. Do the reverse to put the jobs back onto the ts.

Posted : July 9, 2014 12:20 pm
Posts: 55

What instrument are you using? If you are using a 1200 or older then the dbx files all reside in the dbx folder and there are 15-20 files associated with that job. If you create a new job on the viva, you have the option to "Use with system 1200" this will just throw all the files into the DBX folder. If you unclick this, then it creates a job folder within the DBX folder. If your files are in this folder, your system 1200 will not see that job. If you later want to use a VIVA job in your ts, I've just copied all the job files in the folder then go out to the main dbx folder and paste them in. I think Leica just did this to keep a little cleaner view of your jobs when they wrote the viva software. Hope this is what you were looking for.

Posted : July 9, 2014 12:23 pm
Posts: 365


All of the previous explanations are spot on in information.

If you do not see the file when using the Choose Working Job option...

There are 3 possible locations for memory on the TS...

1. Internal memory - always available
2. SD card - available if there is a SD inserted in the slot under the COM cover
3. USB - available if there is a USB stick inserted in the slot under the COM cover

What I have run into in the past is that you have to pay attention to the memory location you are viewing if you have multiple memory devices in the instrument. For example if you have an SD card inserted you can use the jobs stored on the SD card or the internal memory. When you go to Jobs and Data -> Choose working job... look at the top blue line... it will say (in example with SD card).. Choose Working Job (SD Card) or ... Choose Working Job (Int Mem)... because there are two possible locations.

You can move between memory locations by using the F6 function key which will toggle between available memory locations.

Maybe you are just looking at the wrong memory device.

Posted : July 9, 2014 1:07 pm
Posts: 176
Topic starter

Thanks all, (My inst. is a ts15i) Im still having trouble with this though. When I download my data I export to a rw5 file and then transfer to my cpu. To upload data I import ascii data into the new job I've created, no problems there. So when I clean out the inst. entirely ill make a back up on my cpu and save all my rw5 files that were previously exported before erasing, as well as all the files that are found in Leica Geosystems> Smartworx Viva> DBX file folder and there I found all my jobs. I was surprised that once I erased all the jobs from this folder they were still available to choose as a working job on the inst. So then I erased each one on the inst. to clean out.

My question is if I all I had was a file folder that was taken from the dbx folder location (inside that folder the file types are x01,x02,x06 etc.) is there a way to transfer this back to my inst. If I put the folder back where it came from >Leica Geosystems> Smartworx Viva> DBX file folder there is no job to be found. Which I guess makes sense considering the jobs were still on the inst. after they were erased from the dbx directory.

Wow hard to put all that in words... to early

Just thought of this, should I create a new job on the ts and then copy all the x files into the new file folder.

Posted : July 10, 2014 4:37 am
Posts: 365


You should be able to just copy the folder that was created for the job that you now have backed up on your PC back into the DBX folder on the internal memory of the instrument if you needed to do so in the future.

Maybe the issue is where you are placing files if you are just using say Windows explorer to view the contents of the instrument's memory since the instrument is a Windows CE device.

I will hook up a TS15 to my PC today and give the folder structure a good look onboard the instrument just by browsing the instrument itself. It may just be a folder path issue.

My advice would be to use a Leica SD card in the instrument to store the jobs. The reason I say this is that every data location needs to be formatted from time to time to defragment the memory device - even the internal memory of the instrument. If you format the internal memory of the instrument you will delete the jobs and defrag that memory location you also delete the codelists, coordinate systems, format files, GEM geoid field files, RTK profiles and a few other items. You can transfer all of the items from the instrument onto say a USB memeory stick... format the memeory... then transfer them back onto your instrument to format the internal memeory.

If you keep your jobs on a SD card in the instrument you can just format the SD card from time to time to keep things running smooth.

I will get an instrument and connect to my PC and look at the data paths as they appear in Windows CE on the instrument. It may just be that there is some confusion on where to place the files using this interface.

Posted : July 10, 2014 8:12 am
Posts: 176
Topic starter

Thank you Surveythemark. You seem to be the Leica man around here. I appreciate the time you put in on this site to respond. I've also started to fiddle with dxf files as a background map thanks to the tutorials on your website and I look forward to any future updates.

Anyway I'm stumped on this whole dbx folder thing as removing the job folder from the dbx directory doesn't seem to delete the job, and yes I am using windows explorer to view the files. I have an sd card loaded in the ts I store my jobs in the internal memory and do my exporting to the sd card. Let me know what you come up with.

Thanks again U-DA-MAN

Posted : July 10, 2014 10:20 am
Posts: 7610

> My advice would be to use a Leica SD card in the instrument to store the jobs.
The Leica SD cards are rather shockingly expensive but are actually worth the money. Ordinary SD cards crap out at temperatures typically experienced in the field.

Posted : July 10, 2014 1:55 pm