Making sure control is in before a project next week.
This bench is grouted into a rock ledge along the Flathead river-
this is looking upriver toward Glacier from the mark.
Kind of overcast but still nice to be outside. about 2^f at 8 am
this is the historic point sign near the mark.
looks like they're too small- I'll reload when my phone gets charged.
I took this yesterday- that's a dead cat on the back of the flatbed.
GLacial Valleys
the u-shaped glacial valley. in your middle picture looks similar to this one in Franconia Notch, NH:
GLacial Valleys
Perry- they do look very similar.
Field days are better than office days. 2nd try
Here are a couple of links to g" target="_blank"> g"/> &w=805&h=576&ei=9v0fT733Neag2gXP7rWODw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=493&sig=116813777673177614371&page=1&tbnh=114&tbnw=156&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=71&ty=44">Bad Rock.
and g" target="_blank"> g"/> &w=300&h=254&ei=9v0fT733Neag2gXP7rWODw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=694&vpy=216&dur=2971&hovh=203&hovw=240&tx=87&ty=225&sig=116813777673177614371&page=2&tbnh=119&tbnw=144&start=18&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:18">here.
and this one may be a better pic of the cat.
Field days are better than office days
A bad day in the field is better than any day in the office.
Field days are better than office days
> A bad day in the field is better than any day in the office. we're sitting in the office pretending to work, all the while enjoying our beloved when we should be doing CAD work or working on our profitablity stuff.
Then again, that little bird on my shoulder suggests that I should jump in the truck and go check for another monument, so I can find that 0.04' that can ruin your day. Plus nowadays I can check Beerleg on my IPhone.
Wow - life is almost dang near perfect. 😛
Field days are better than office days
Wow, very well stated.
Also it is sometimes nice to NOT know what day it is.
What is today again, Monday, Thursday?
Field days are better than office days
> What is today again, Monday, Thursday?
The standard answer that I used to tell my kids or others that lose track (often myself)... "it's that day that ends in a Y..." 😛
When I start losing months I know it's time to re-boot.
Which brings us an unrelated but valid point. Remember the days before speed dial and storing phone numbers. It was nothing to have several hundred phone numbers memorized and at the tip of your button pushing (or dialing) fingertips. Nowadays we've got to ask somebody for our own friggin phone number, let alone remember even 10.
cheers :beer:
I STILL have a Rolodex full of phone numbers (some 30 years old). Lose your phone or have it die and lose all those numbers and you'll wish you had one.
> I STILL have a Rolodex full of phone numbers (some 30 years old). Lose your phone or have it die and lose all those numbers and you'll wish you had one.
> Andy
I use Google Contacts as my rolodex. I can even print them if I want to.
Field days are better than office days
Brad: I often have that problem...not knowing what day it is...they all just sort of flow together.
Especially by the end of the week!