Favorite: solving complex boundary issues.
Least Favorite: resolving messed up boundary issues.
Its a love-hate thing.
I'm kind of with the boundary recon/research crowd for the fun stuff we do. It goes with making 4 or 5 digit deposits.
I really don't like bulldozers or stupid stuperindendants telling me to hurry up, or having to works past 3 pm. Let them lock the gate.....
Favorite searching for records pre 1940
Least Favorite holding a 36" long iron pipe plum while someone else drives it into the ground
Favorite: Finding original corners others surveyors had called lost.
Least Favorite: Toss up between sewer inverts and dealing with price shoppers. Not much difference there really.
> Favorite searching for records pre 1940
> Least Favorite holding a 36" long iron pipe plum while someone else drives it into the ground
If they had a thumb that was red and throbbing that might be more appropriate but :good: anyway.
Favorite: Researching a large boundary, and finally finding an adjoining plat call from 6 or 7 deeds back. A note about this: nothing in South Carolina is square.
Least Favorite: Hand writing cut/fill sheets in the field to give to the contractor. Give me a break you got it on the stake next to the hub. Let me email it tonight it wont be covered in sweat smears that way.
Can you tell I have been doing a lot of the later lately?:'(
😉 :good:
Easy money: Finding all the corners and they check.
Changes: having to go back and fix my mistakes even when I'm the only one who knows about it.
favorite: spending money
least favorite: making money
Favorites: working in the field or courthouse searching for evidence and old records. Talking to landowners about the history of their land. Talking to an old person who knows the history of an area. Tying flagging on a little kid's wrist, leg, or bike and watching how excited they become, as if they have been given a super power. Traverse points that survey out really close to my GPS points for field checks. A cool 50* clear day in the field with a slight breeze. A sharp blade.
Least favorites: doing a lot survey, finding the old corners not on the "mow line" and having to explain why my survey is right, and being called by the idiot neighbor and questioned. And yakkers who follow you around. Chiggers. Mosquitos on by elbows. Barky dogs that follow and bark for two or three setups. Hacking my way through briars and kudzu and thick underbrush. Intense 100* heat with high humidity and no wind. A dull blade.