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Detail pole vial calibration

4 Posts
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Posts: 197
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Hi guys

I'd like to check/calibrate my detail pole bubble vial. I found this jig (link below) but wondered if there were any other ways that don't involve buying any extra gear.

Thanks in advance, Andrew

Posted : September 13, 2019 9:52 am
Posts: 9867

That's a lot of money for something that you could build an equivalent from hardware store parts.

Posted : September 13, 2019 9:58 am
Posts: 105

Here are some ideas:

I personally have the gizmo that you linked above, but another super easy way you can do it is as follows:

Set your prism pole up with a bipod and get the bubble level, shoot it with the total station and make a note of the distance. Rotate your prism pole 180 degrees, level it up and shoot it, if the bubble is still centered, and distance matches, your good, if not, adjust as needed.?ÿ

Posted : September 13, 2019 1:26 pm
Posts: 8761


That has been my method too.

Last week I replaced the vial assembly on one pole with a Seco 8min unit with a red circle around the top of the vial for easy location because the yellow viewing surface had become too difficult to see the bubble.

My bipods have 3 legs, so when setup they are in place just as well as any tripod and I can loosen the knob and spin it around and tighten again and use the rule to adjust it half way to center and after several attempts have it centered as I turn it to any position.

You can fix it in the back yard or on the jobsite or just about anywhere that you can set your bipod stable in position.

Found this nifty gizmo that helps because it has MM and SAE Allen wrenches on the same tool.

Posted : September 13, 2019 3:34 pm