Yes, I just mean that usually, you can simply pick the "osnaps" (sorry I just call them snaps)?ÿ like?ÿ Node, endpoint and perpendicular, for example.(because those are the three I use most)?ÿ
?ÿThen F3 toggles them On/Off.?ÿ ?ÿ
For some reason, it seems to have worked that way on a few drawings, then I must have tweaked something that is making the software react differently and I can't figure out how to Un-tweak it!?ÿ?ÿ
Yes, I've been reverting to the old school "w" but that seems very clunky these days.?ÿ ?ÿThanks for the tips, I'll check that out.?ÿ As I said, I'm sure it's a toggle somewhere that I clicked and didn't realize the implications.?ÿ?ÿ
Does SHIFT-RT (or maybe LEFT) CLICK bring up any helpful options?
Yeah my recollection of working in Intellicad is that I had to do a lot of things in clunky, old school style.?ÿ
@andy-j Right click on the osnaps icon in the lower right toolbar and it should bring up a list of snaps. You can check or unchecked as needed.?ÿ I keep end point and a couple others toggled on all the time. I use shift right-click to bring up the list on the fly for the less used snaps.
Current Carlson with IntelliCAD is amazing compared to what it was only a handful of years ago. So, for the people who are taking (formerly well deserved) cheap shots at it....well...times have changed IMHO.
Snaps have been a struggle for me as well. My issue really comes to when I am zooming in close, and I get an error saying the view is too large for the scale or something like that. I believe I finally got it resolved. Here is a summary of my settings as accessed through the command line:
_SNAP (my snap is off)
OSNAP (This brings you to the Entity Snaps tab of the Coordinate Imput tab in Drawing Settings. My AutoSnap Magnet is checked, Entity snap tracking is checked, endpoint/nearest/perpendicular/intersection is all checked. Everything else is not checked (just my preference)
While in this settings tab, click the next tab over "Entity Selection". I personally have Window Drag and Auto Window both checked. My pickbox and Aperature settings are both at 10. This may be the solution to your other problem.
I also have the middle button (wheel) of my mouse active to access the snap menu quickly when depressed (this does the same thing as shift and right click others have pointed out):?ÿ
MBUTTONPAN (mine is off)
I'd suggest that before changing anything, either write down what you're changing or take screen shots.?ÿ
And as a FYI, lots of additional commands are there simply by putting an underscore _ before what you're typing...see what auto populates and take it from there.
Hopefully that helps.
Carlson support is the only reason I keep using it, they're very responsive.?ÿ I've been using 2021/Icad since its intro, and have discovered any number of bugs, almost all of which have been resolved to my satisfaction.?ÿ I'll never give Autodesk another dime.
Have you looked at any of the Intellicad settings in the settings menu? It can be a deep dive for sure.?ÿ _ddselect?ÿ Coordinate Input tab, Entity Selection Tab, then make sure "auto window" is checked off.?ÿ Windowing to select objects only works for me if I start in the bottom right of the window and then go up and to the left.....drives some of my staff crazy.
I use ICad everyday now with 2020. It took some getting used. As others have mentioned, Carlson Support is second to none.?ÿ
I never had the issues switching from Acad to Icad.?ÿ Of course I'm not as accomplished as a lot of youse guys.?ÿ I'm pretty basic.
@andy-j As a follow-up to what Stephen offered, you'll want to look for the "Entity Snaps" (AutoCAD calls them "Object Snaps") as illustrated below:
As mentioned earlier, the F3 function button on your keyboard will turn the selected entity (object) snaps on/off and the SetEsnap (Set Entity Snap) command will get you to the same dialog box as right-clicking on the ESnap button in the IntelliCAD (I'll call it the "system tray") status bar area (IntelliCAD also responds to the OSnap command).
While I'm thinking about it, you can also right-click in a blank area of the system tray to configure which of the various buttons (including the ESnap button) you want to see/have displayed along that bottom row.
I hope this information helps.
Comes from constantly trying to follow old deeds and the old time surveyors.
Are we not supposed to follow in the footsteps?
I will admit - I am bad at this as well.?ÿ FORCING myself to run the most current version of Carlson starting March 1.
@kjypls Thank you, these settings just saved me a ton of headaches.?ÿ What about point object snap, mine seems like it suddenly stopped working properly.?ÿ sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
@surveyterre If you're asking about snapping to Carlson Points, both AutoCAD & Carlson have a snap for node & a snap for point.?ÿ Certain commands seem to toggle them off so I find myself having to toggle them back on periodically when needed.
Type ??ddosnap? maybe?