You will be assimilated! ?????ÿ
We will be working on the big conversion for the next few days. If this site is not available, it's quite likely that we are making the big move. Please be patient with us, as it may take many hours to make the conversion, troubleshoot, and get it live again.
Note that if features are missing or things aren't working 100% on day one, we will be working on those things in the background. 🙂
I was certain this was set to happen 101 of my posts ago. 24999
I was certain this was set to happen 101 of my posts ago. 24999
We're crossing all the I's and dotting all the T's.
Let’s Go!
Just as long as you don't dot the "T" and Cross the "I" anyplace!
Full Steam Ahead, Wendell.
Note that if features are missing or things aren't working 100% on day one,
You can blame that Radar guy.
When this warning was issued late Friday afternoon I assumed that it would happen over the weekend. False start?
When this warning was issued late Friday afternoon I assumed that it would happen over the weekend. False start?
We thought so too...
In other news, the PM system here is working again. I would recommend reviewing and/or copy/pasting important messages very, very soon, if you want to save them.
Bringing this back to the top because of the time that has elapsed since I posted it. :-/
The problem(s) we are having are in relation to converting the existing ~600k posts to the new system. Just when we think we've gotten through all the issues, more pop up. And I have to say, it has me rethinking things a bit. But I wanted to run it by you all, since you are the ones that would have to deal with my latest idea.
Now, I'm not expecting you all to suddenly become forum programmers overnight to best understand the issues. What I'm wondering about has more to do about the forum usability on the frontend, based on whatever method we end up running with to get this thing launched. So, I'm going to explain the two possible options that are in my head and see if I can get your thoughts about them, from the viewpoint of using them on the frontend.
Option #1:
This method involves converting all of the existing threads, posts, and replies into the new system. You would then be able to participate in all of the old threads just as you've always done, but in a new system with simpler but easier to use controls.
Option #2:
This method would simply move the existing forums to an "old forums" area with read-only capabilities. Every thread would retain its URL on the new domain. You would then create new posts/threads in the new system. You would not be able to reply to old threads, but you would be able to reference them via URL.
My original goal was Option #1, but the two systems are so vastly different, that it's proving to be a challenge to convert everything. If this is truly what we all want, then it's worth the effort, and we will continue until we've met the goal. But I bring this question to you all because I'm wondering if Option #1 even matters to you. I find myself wondering if I'm overthinking this.
And this is why I love this community of surveyors... I know that I can throw these issues at you and you'll tell me exactly how you feel. Not everyone will be excited to move to another new system, but I want to ease the pain as much as possible while still moving us forward and keeping us relevant.
What are your thoughts?
Option 2 is acceptable, to me. I don't want the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
Option #2:
This method would simply move the existing forums to an "old forums" area with read-only capabilities. Every thread would retain its URL on the new domain. You would then create new posts/threads in the new system. You would not be able to reply to old threads, but you would be able to reference them via URL.
Kill the zombie threads.