Hello friends,
I didnt use my GNSS VIVA GS14 receivers for several months, when I tried to use it yesterday, the base is working fine, but the rover cant track any sattelite, is there any frimware update requiered?
Their is a new firmware available that might help track the satellites, but you can also try downloading a new satellite almanac by holding the power and function button down for 10-15 seconds.
Hello John, thanks for your replay, Actually I upload the alamanac but that dosent resolve the issue, I cant upgrade to the new firmware as my recevier is out of date. I read something like resetting the measurement engine, do you have any idea how it works??
First you had better check that your receiver has the latest measurement engine and firmware.
I had a problem like this on my atx1230gg .you can go the satellite configuration page and try "INIT" button that means initialize .i think it could fix the problem.
Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk
Freidoon, post: 424149, member: 10410 wrote: Hi
First you had better check that your receiver has the latest measurement engine and firmware.
I had a problem like this on my atx1230gg .you can go the satellite configuration page and try "INIT" button that means initialize .i think it could fix the problem.Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk
Hello Freidoon
Thanks for your replay, yes I guess the problem is what you say, but where I find this? In the webserver interface I couldn't find where the initialise the measurement engine.
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