We are starting a GPS project tomorrow. I recovered the mark that I am going to observe on last week, It is a DOT cap set in a bridge. Here is a picture of the cap before I cleaned it up.
Here is a picture after I spent about a minute working ion it with a wire brush wheel in a cordless drill. This is after it was stamped also.
I think a dripp and wire brush wheel is going to be standard equipment when we are recovering monuments.
Looks good. Was that an aluminum cap?
I Assume It Was Not Set In 2014 ?
Co inky dink?
Paul in PA
A brass wire brush would also work well, rust less, and be a little kinder to the aluminum.
It was a brass brush. It had a heavy coat of paint on it when we found it.
Here is another one in the vicinity.
What's up with the 2014 Date stamping?
Why stamp that on a recovered old mark?
What's up with the 2014 Date stamping?
Good question.
What's up with the 2014 Date stamping?
Probably a state highway mark set in a bridge by contractors at construction but never leveled to or otherwise referenced. The stamping just makes the mark unique.
Utilizing an existing stable mark, giving it unique stamping and establishing a position on the mark with OPUS, OPUS-DB, OPUS Projects is a good thing in my book.
FWIW... I wouldn't add stamping to a mark that is already in OPUS-DB or the NGS IDB.
How many mm was "scraped" off after cleaning it with a wire brush?:'(
0.759882 mm
0.0759882 mm
It is standard practice where I have worked to only stamp anything on a corner if you assume some sort of legal liability in its use. Example – use it for recorded boundary survey. Even in this situation the state goes back in forth on adding marks to existing mons. To add your own mark to a public monument simply because you used it for control cap seems possessive and a bit arrogant. If it was acceptable than anyone could just stamp whatever they wanted on any cap.
A new kind graffiti wave may hit our monuments.
It is perfectly acceptable to stamp monuments; if you have the authority to do so.
Steve does.
I missed the part where he works for DOT and therefor it is his organizations monument he is stamping.
That is totally different than private surveyor stamping public mon. or other private surveyors mon for control project.
> That is totally different than private surveyor stamping public mon. or other private surveyors mon for control project.
That includes adding a punch mark or worse, an additional punch mark in my opinion.