We have 16 metal truck bed organizers for sale.?ÿ 6 are brand new, the other 10 are in excellent used condition.?ÿ These are made for a 6.5' truck bed.?ÿ Price for one of these new is close to $2K.?ÿ Would accept $500 for a new one, $300 for a used one, or would consider package price offer for a bulk purchase.
I would be interested in 1 or 2 of the used ones.
However, you need to post your location, and if it is only pickup, or you will ship... with dimensions and weight and preferred carrier.
Profile ssys Clive, Iowa
Sorry about that.?ÿ These are located in North Kansas City, MO.?ÿ We could arrange for delivery to most places in the Midwest, or could discuss shipping if that doesn't work for you.?ÿ We have crews as far north as Iowa, and as far south as Oklahoma that could meet for a dropoff.
If those are from the manufacturer that I suspect they are, then I can attest to their strength and functionality. They're well built and solid as a brick sh*thouse.
Who made these?
Bump TTT
hi, i would like one of your truck bed organizers, will you pallet and truck ship to florida?
Thank you,
Bradley Cox
Owner, President
Bradley Cox & Associates ?? Land Surveyors
405 W. 25th?ÿStreet
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-323-9202
I am interested in 2 boxes.. if any are still available...thank you...Asa..
I will take 2 if they can be shipped.?ÿ Call for details. 218-780-2323
Shipping would be to Northern MN
I would also like one new or used.?ÿ Call 309-251-5559
Central Illinois could pick up in eastern Iowa or have shipped
Any more info on these?
Would love a picture of the back of them, and I think I would like one as well.?ÿ Either truck shipped (we have a forklift) or it you can get it to Northeastern Ohio, or Southern Michigan area, I can get it picked up and delivered to me.
The OP, @jdoughan only has 2 posts since joining, and they were both in May of 2019.?ÿ
@ron-cloninger I am SO SORRY. I forgot this post was still on here, and obviously don't get on here much at all! If you are still interested, I have 2 used truck bed organizers still on hand. Email me at [email protected] or text me at 515-505-4106 if you are still interested. Sorry again!
Update- we have ONE more of these to sell still. Used, still very good shape and lots of life left. $300 plus shipping, or could arrange to meet in Iowa or Kansas City for drop off
are you sold out?
I have one of these boxes I would be willing to sell. Located in northern Wisconsin.
@springbox I have two used ones left. Average condition. $200/ea if we can arrange pick-up. We are located near Des Moines, but have offices in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas that could help meet somewhere if you are in the vicinity.