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"Most Surveyors Are Bad Boundary Surveyors"

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Posts: 2332
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Posted : April 8, 2022 4:58 am
Posts: 4293


how about you stop making videos on bad boundary Surveyors, and?ÿ you report them to the board....not doing that seems like you're condoning it.


Posted : April 8, 2022 5:57 am
Posts: 944

Maybe you should ask him for a job, you might learn something.


Posted : April 8, 2022 6:04 am
Posts: 2332
Topic starter

This video bothers me a lot.?ÿ I guess that my problem is that he makes a pretty bold, and somewhat slanderous statement about most of the profession, but then in the video, giving his reasons, he never backs up the statement.

The underlying message here is that he's not one of the bad ones.

I think if I were a California surveyor, I might consider submitting this video to the BOR/BOL and see what they think of it.?ÿ In my opinion it's a form of self-aggrandizing, and could be consider as boastful advertising.?ÿ And I know that's not allowed by most Boards

Posted : April 8, 2022 7:18 am
Posts: 4293
Posted by: @half-bubble

Maybe you should ask him for a job, you might learn something.



Posted : April 8, 2022 7:36 am

Posts: 2953
Posted by: @jph

This video bothers me a lot.?ÿ I guess that my problem is that he makes a pretty bold, and somewhat slanderous statement about most of the profession, but then in the video, giving his reasons, he never backs up the statement.

The underlying message here is that he's not one of the bad ones.

I think if I were a California surveyor, I might consider submitting this video to the BOR/BOL and see what they think of it.?ÿ In my opinion it's a form of self-aggrandizing, and could be consider as boastful advertising.?ÿ And I know that's not allowed by most Boards

first, Landon does try hard, and I believe his intentions are honorable.

...and I do also agree this video is more self promotion than anything else.

His experience, although he says it is spanning 20 odd years, is limited.
Limited to one small geographical region, and to attaining his personal goals in that area.

Fortunately, I did experience the opposite in my first dozen or so years... as I worked Mainly in boundary and had great mentors.
Later in my carer working in Different Locations, I too saw the lack of knowledge and skill with surveyors attempting to perform boundary surveys.

Posted : April 8, 2022 8:26 am
Posts: 824

I'm claiming 0.153 hrs. of CEU's towards my next renewal.?ÿ?ÿ

Posted : April 8, 2022 12:32 pm
Posts: 12001

That is a bit hyperbolic but Iƒ??m not offended by it.

I wouldnƒ??t put it in terms of good vs bad. Boundaries are a civil matter, moral judgments arenƒ??t part of the equation. Itƒ??s more like the Judge says, right, wrong or indifferent what did the people involved do? If we donƒ??t know what they did or they did nothing physically then read the deed and stake it.

Also the deed is a guide to the reasonableness of what they actually did but often reasonableness does not enter the court room. There is a California case where they were 500 feet off, the Court looked at the conduct of the 2 owners and said thatƒ??s where they put it so that is where it is.

Posted : April 10, 2022 11:59 am
Posts: 9985

Easier ways to make money?


Construction surveys?

I can't make much if any money doing "construction surveys". And that's been so for 40 years, they've always been fill-in jobs.

Now with all the rules, regulations associated with construction, I'm out anyway.?ÿ?ÿ

He must work in a waaaayyyyy different environment than I do.?ÿ

I'm glad I work where boundary surveys have been done mostly professionally for decades.?ÿ

Posted : April 10, 2022 1:23 pm
Posts: 2332
Topic starter


My big issue being is his condescending superior attitude, building himself up by putting others down.?ÿ?ÿ

As said, some Boards call this out specifically

Posted : April 11, 2022 4:38 am

Posts: 5696

Look like another case of what I call "Lucas Syndrome".?ÿ?ÿ

When one takes a professional interest in expanding their knowledge of boundary common law beyond the standard texts they turn to reading case?ÿ law. When you read a lot of case law you get exposed to a limit?ÿnumber of boundary surveys (compared to the tens or hundreds of thousands that don't end up in court, or are settled in a lower court) where something was egregious?ÿenough to escalate to litigation.

Over time, you're exposed to a body of previously performed boundary surveys where (at least) half of the surveyors did something wrong; and if you don't acknowledge the biases this can create you start to believe that half the practicing surveyors don't know what they are doing.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ

Posted : April 11, 2022 5:15 am
Posts: 2953
Posted by: @james-fleming

Look like another case of what I call "Lucas Syndrome".?ÿ?ÿ

When one takes a professional interest in expanding their knowledge of boundary common law beyond the standard texts they turn to reading case?ÿ law. When you read a lot of case law you get exposed to a limit?ÿnumber of boundary surveys (compared to the tens or hundreds of thousands that don't end up in court, or are settled in a lower court) where something was egregious?ÿenough to escalate to litigation.

Over time, you're exposed to a body of previously performed boundary surveys where (at least) half of the surveyors did something wrong; and if you don't acknowledge the biases this can create you start to believe that half the practicing surveyors don't know what they are doing.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ

That's a valuable perspective, one that I had not considered before.

in all publications the leed is powerful, it sets the tone of the rest of the story... the part that is often not read or considered.

the 10 minute tirade is often ignored, and the nuggets within are lost


Posted : April 11, 2022 5:34 am
Posts: 3082
Posted by: @james-fleming

Over time, you're exposed to a body of previously performed boundary surveys where (at least) half of the surveyors did something wrong; and if you don't acknowledge the biases this can create you start to believe that half the practicing surveyors don't know what they are doing

It is possible that neither surveyor did anything wrong in a boundary dispute. It is entirely possible that they don't even disagree. The court case is not caused by a surveyor, in most cases.

Also, it is possible for two surveyors to disagree and still not have either of them doing anything incorrectly in terms of professional care.

Posted : April 11, 2022 9:41 am
Posts: 7889
Posted by: @dmyhill

it is possible for two surveyors to disagree and still not have either of them doing anything incorrectly in terms of professional care.

This seems to happen a lot up here...

Posted : April 11, 2022 9:55 am
Posts: 3082
Posted by: @jph

This video bothers me a lot.?ÿ I guess that my problem is that he makes a pretty bold, and somewhat slanderous statement about most of the profession, but then in the video, giving his reasons, he never backs up the statement.

The underlying message here is that he's not one of the bad ones.

I think if I were a California surveyor, I might consider submitting this video to the BOR/BOL and see what they think of it.?ÿ In my opinion it's a form of self-aggrandizing, and could be consider as boastful advertising.?ÿ And I know that's not allowed by most Boards

I don't know the guy, and while I applaud his attempt to explain why choosing the cheapest may not be the best, it is my opinion that denigrating your profession is not a good idea.

And, FWIW, I know more good boundary surveyors than I do good construction surveyors. A good construction surveyor that can correctly and efficiently survey for commercial, residential, heavy civil, vertical construction, monitoring, etc is worth their weight in gold because they are difficult to find and harder to hire away from wherever they are at. More likely you find someone that knows one or two of those. Even then, they can be hard to find.

Posted : April 11, 2022 10:05 am

Posts: 3082
Posted by: @dougie
Posted by: @dmyhill

it is possible for two surveyors to disagree and still not have either of them doing anything incorrectly in terms of professional care.

This seems to happen a lot up here...

LOL, that is how I know it is possible. I have seen surveys where two well respected surveyors come to two different conclusions and I can follow how both got there, and without any obvious flaws. Sometimes in this profession you have to make a decision and explain what and why. BUT, we are also supposed to reveal when there is ambiguity. Generally speaking that happens when the other was unaware of the the other's work.

I once found another guy's corners and no record of survey and when I called he had just set them. I disagreed with their location, and was able to explain why, and he explained why he disagreed with me. I think we were seeing eye to eye by the time were were done, but that could easily have been two different surveys that had different answers for very good reasons.?ÿ

We all try to decide like a judge would, but we are not trained jurists for the most part.?ÿ

Posted : April 11, 2022 10:11 am
Posts: 7889
Posted by: @dmyhill

try to decide like a judge would

Posted : April 11, 2022 10:19 am
Posts: 7403


Posted : April 11, 2022 10:35 am
Posts: 2318

I wholeheartedly agree that most surveyors are bad boundary surveyors, but I wouldn't try to sell myself to the public with that statement.?ÿ

Posted : June 16, 2022 3:55 pm
Posts: 824

Except for me.?ÿ LMAO

Posted : June 16, 2022 4:44 pm

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