Last seen: January 20, 2025 8:21 pm
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... the office of a description is not to identify the land, but to furnish the means for identification. Beware the calibrated goat stake. Has dimples, may wear a fresh cap. Frequently marks approximately where a shovel would reveal an older monument. My remarks, be it understood, only apply to bush life— visiting, or doing the swell en route, is altogether another affair, with which I have nothing to do. -- John Keast Lord Who are we to do a perfect resurvey of an imperfect original ? Fly your freak flag high. Somebody's gotta do it. Gardens, Sundials, Feng Shui, Map Dowsing & Lost Objects Found. Fire Hydrants Located & Marked. Never Fast, Never Cheap, Always The Best. Reserve A Spot On Our Waiting List Today! "Surveying is a legal profession and the surveyor functions in an area of law that is inaccessable to lawyers. Remember, boundary locations are fixed by physical evidence, not words on a piece of paper; the words only tell the surveyor where to look. Surveyors practice boundary law." -- Richard Schaut Anything Less Than Overkill Will Soon Be Found Insufficient. There can be no universal rule how the word 'half' is to be interpreted since it is often used in conveyances when the context indicates a sense quite different from the literal meaning ... In all such cases, the words must be taken in the sense intended. Poor business management has been the only reason that land surveying has not risen to the level of other professions in eyes of the public. -- Dan Beardslee When technology has made everyone a technician, real knowledge and skills will be rarer and of greater value than ever before. "The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that you work for someone else." -- Unknown