Well it appears as though I have been discriminating in my hiring process, at least according to Facebook. I miss the days of when people were not always looking for something to act like they were offended by. If you are easily offended stop here, if not:. The discriminatory job posting is shown below.
So glad I don't do facebook!!
It must be the "no criminal record" requirement.?ÿ That would eliminate a third of the people on this board. 😳 😳 😳 😳 ?ÿ
Seriously, some people truly enjoy being disagreeable.?ÿ Ignore them and live your life.
What did they say was discriminating??ÿ I'm going to guess 'rodman'
I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is the company name that set them off. Say it out loud.
It's not "rodman", it's the company name. I assume either this was flagged by an algorithm with no human input, or the person who reviewed this wasn't a native English speaker. Did you ask for a review?
And off topic, but what kind of work requires an assistant for a rodman 😐 ??ÿ
Survey field assistant-rodman
I'm thinking the fourth word is a clarification of the first three.
As to the company name.?ÿ A very fine engineer that I knew many years ago had that same last name.?ÿ His first name was Dick, not Richard, etc.?ÿ Putting those two names together might give some pause.
yeah, I was just being annoying and pointing out the misuse of the hyphen.
Nope, we had posted several jobs in the past; SIT, EIT, PE, general labor.?ÿ I did ask for a review and requested to be informed of which part violated the terms and made the post discrimatory however the only reply I received was "We have reviewed your post and found that it violates our terms and will not be posted".?ÿ I deleted it and reposted it changing rodman to survey crew member and it went right through.?ÿ
We are looking for a field crew assistant (rodman).?ÿ It won't be full time rodman, sometimes strictly brush cutting, sometimes just being a mule carrying & pounding hubs & stakes after the rodman has identified the location.
Nope, John had it right. Turns out rodMAN is discriminatory, guess you are just as chauvinistic as me 😉
Don't take my dreams away, I want to retire and get an assistant rodman job.
job duties:
-bring the rodman water
-help the rodman put the point into the dimple or center on top of the bar
-tell the rodman what a great rodman she is
UPDATE:?ÿ Just in case you haven't seen from above, the job title of rodMAN was the discriminatory part of the job posting.?ÿ You also can not post a job for a:
waiter wanted, it must be waiter/waitress wanted
maid wanted, it must be cleaning professional wanted (what if I don't want a professional, just someone to pick up my junk?)
salesman wanted, it must be salesPERSON wanted?ÿ
and on and on....
The California Department of Industrial Relations refers to my "helper" as Rodman/Chainman and if you don't type that into the Certified Payroll Report it won't accept it.
Gotta get a rodperson to pop personhole covers so the I-person can get a shot.
In all seriousness, I thought it was the 50 lb requirement.
Maintenance Hole so we can keep the MH abbreviation
-tell the rodman what a great rodman she is
......while talking directly to her breasts. 😯 ?ÿ
Are you telling me RODgirl sounds better? HA!
Are you telling me RODgirl sounds better? HA!
That would be analogous to advertising for a rodboy. Which I doubt would be well received.?ÿ