I'm working in an old plat from 1949, Lot 12 Block 2; page 2 of the attached plat.
I have 7 monuments and they all fit with the centerline geometry within a tenth. I don't have any in Huson Street, yet, This might help solve my problem; I'll see what's there tomorrow.
The problem I'm having, is getting the plat dimensions around my lot, to fit.
The old plat is hard to read; this is the best copy I could find, so far. Does any body see anything I might be missing? I've been banging my head on the desk all day; any help will be greatly appreciated!
sounds like it's time for some Mathmagica!
???? ???? ?????ÿ
You??re missing ten monuments. Sorry I can??t be more help. ????
It looks like your SE corner is at the PRC. Am I wrong?
That bulb thing doesn??t look right, like maybe there??s missing dimensions.
What a wonky back lot line. Sometimes when the plat is too difficult to read I??ll comp the boundary and insert a tiff of the plat and scale it to the longest lines I have that check. I can then measure the lines in the image and compare to what I think record to be to see if they make sense relative to the line work.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
This is what I came up with. I circled the 3 areas where my calcs differ from Plat. Very wonky plat...
Just a shoot from the hip WAG but looks like there is a missing dimension for a short tangent in SE corner of Lot 12. The arc labeled 50?? looks like it goes tangent for a short distance before hitting curve return on corner of Lot 11/12.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
Lot 1?ÿ curve delta
88d32'34" +?ÿ 91d27'26" = 180?ÿ ?ÿ?ÿ
some flip flop blunder here
I thought the same thing at first. ?ÿLooking at the 40 arc distance on the lot to the north I??m not convinced that is the case. ?ÿThey weren??t using CAD in 1949. If I wasn??t so lazy I plot the PDF and scale it.
WOW! Thanks @tim-libs !!!?ÿ
That was awesome!
I really appreciate another set of eyes, on tough surveys, this really helped.
Is this a great site or what!?! Wendell can Thank @tim-libs for my next contribution.
And thanks to all who gave awesome responses!

1949 with no software, no handheld calculators with trig functions.?ÿ Try to imagine how long it took to run everything out by hand using trig tables and a slide rule at best.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Radar, but working for myself for the past 5 years has been a game changer. Can't see myself working for someone else unless I'm forced to. That being said, I feel like I've learned so much from those on this site (instead of the echo chamber I find myself in at times with my previous companies), that it feels good to be able to give back when I'm capable.
I'm not sure why anyone advertises in the few surveying magazines left.?ÿ This is most definitely where they need to target their advertising budget.
Meanwhile, some of us could break lose with $10 to $20 per month as a thank you to the nice couple who do without certain things in life to make sure this site is up and running.?ÿ Others in this group could donate $100 to $200 per month and never feel it.?ÿ Some could even do more than that based on the benefit to the large number of surveyors they employ who SHOULD be spending time here every week.
Spread the word.
working for myself for the past 5 years has been a game changer.
I know what you mean; I could never go back to working for someone else.

I am practically un-hire-able.
I don't shut the door while going to take a pee, since I'm the only one here.
No one yells out, "Answer the damn phone!" when I don't feel like answering it.
There is no backstabbing or negative office gossip.
Co-workers don't drop by twice each day trying to sell me raffle tickets for some fundraiser.
If I think I deserve a raise, I give myself one.
40 or more hours per week but some of those are on the weekend and some are after midnight, but only when I decide they need to be done.
No re-explaining some basic thing to a co-worker FOR THE SEVENTH TIME.
If I need a nap, I take a nap.
That being said, I feel like I've learned so much from those on this site (instead of the echo chamber I find myself in at times with my previous companies), that it feels good to be able to give back when I'm capable.
Mark Deal??s dream come true.
@holy-cow Two sides to every coin. I like not having to deal with having to hunt down work, deal with clients with unrealistic expectations, champagne taste and beer budgets and having to chase people down to get paid. Best part is nobody here has a clue what or how I do what I do, so they just leave me alone.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.