Mr. Karoly...Glad to see your beginning to use the law library. I've found it to be very informative for the last 35 years. It has been very reassur...
Then there are the very wealthy and intelligent?.....In Jackson WY a landowner cut down the neigbors trees because he wanted a better view of the Teto...
Inkjet will smear or make a blotchy print. I've done 100's of 11 x 17 mylars and 8 1/2 x 14 mylars on laserjet machines with no problems. Pablo
Checking OLD records...Move on and stick your nose into something worthwhile...I would be more concerned about 10 years experience doing everything un...
You Have An Existing Road, But How Many Original Monuments ?The deed was for r/w correct? i.e. deed of easment? deed of r/w? what kind of document ...
4 drive bys?I would be looking for another job. Preferably with adult supervision.Pablo B-)
I wouldn't have a problem with it...If I had already performed a boundary survey!!Pablo B-)
Yes, for access easement verification and leased theater area inside a mall. Including seating capacity etc. Pablo
ALWAYSLast ten years due to encounters with Cats and Bears. Changed over to a Taurus Judge in the field so I don't have to aim, just point and shoot....
LR See my post below on the Network GPS v RTK radio question.Pablo
In your area I wouldn't worry much about changing out your base etc. just to be compliant. Do you have a frequency scanner to see what the traffic is...
Wished we coulda got the T and R, the plats and notes to see if I was in the boat or outta boat!B-) Pablo
JB and Keith are in the boat...others like to swim around for awhile ....others think they can walk on water but I don't see them anywhere....Pablo B...
Journalism majors have a tendency to grapple and not understand graphs and numbers and went beyond the correct catagories and read the % percipitation...
DisagreeThe Boat B-) Pablo
I don't know what the exam consists of today. At one time on the take home exam, it was necessary to prepare a water rights application and determine...
Many Suburbans hold the slick road real well...and get you down the road further! Knowing the road and conditions, some drivers are fun to predict th...
MightyMoe,I don't usually mind those drives, if it wasn't for the recent Russian immigrant graduate from truck driving school with a 18 wheeler passin...
Dr. Stoughton, he's alive and well in Cheyenne.PabloB-)